Davidson College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Davidson College accurate?


For the most part, these sterotypes are accurate. The vast majority of students are from the richer part of society, although the administration is trying to change this socio-economic divide by eliminating student loans. Also, most Davidson students are white. During my stay at Davidson, I have noticed more selfishness than arrogance, although I feel arrogance exists as well. Unlike my high school, it seems everyone is out for their own benefit without much regard for others. Although students, especially on your own hall, can be friendly, I sense a strong undercurrent of competition. Davidson students are very concerned about GPAs. Also, students participate heavily in athletics. The jocks presence is very large at Davidson, especially considering its small size. There are a bunch of religious people, but they don't flaunt their beliefs in your face. In fact, the only thing really religious about this school is that some students go to church on Sunday and occasionally participate in a few other religious activities.


Not really...people take their academics very seriously, but we definitely take the time to have fun.


We do work really hard, but Davidson students enjoying complaining relentlessly about their work. I'm not sure that we actually spend that much more time on school work than any of our peer institutions, but we love to think that we do. We're not a J-Crew campus. That's bogus. Go to Vandy or University of Richmond if that's what you're looking for. Although Davidson has more its fair share of white, upper-middleclass yuppies, I think that you find a healthy mix of people. We certainly have a strong contingency of hippies, environmentalists, social-justice seekers, and artsy, ironic folk. The relationship myth is also bogus. A recent study done by some psych majors demonstrated that the average length of a relationship at Davidson is 6 months.


Davidson is a hard school in terms of work load and demanding a lot of its students but that also goes for outside the classroom as well. Students all have a lot of homework and are very involved in activities around campus, but everyone manages this. It's hard but definitely doable. Also, there are a lot of students that are preppy but there are also a lot of students that are just down to earth and chill. Whatever type you are you can find someone like you and everyone is really nice for the most part.


No, sure there are kids on campus that do nothing but work, but there are also students here that do anything but work. We are a small liberal arts college, but by no means does that negate student diversity. No matter what kind of person you are, you can find a group of kids that have similar interests and priorities.




Not at all. Davidson has a huge range of students. My good friends come from all over the country and even the world. Of course there are preps and jocks and arty people and hippies. Every school has its groups.


Neither! The first, about working too hard, is absolutely not true. There is plenty to do on the weekends and although students may feel stressed, no one I know would trade the Davidson experience for anything. The academics are intense, but there is no cutthroat competition or mean-spirited professors. Everything is about the experience. The second, about the rich, Southern, white demographic is untrue as well. Davidson is full of international students and has a rich multi-cultural experience. The vast majority of students go abroad in their junior year, an experience which makes Davidson one of the most "worldly" colleges around. Also, almost no one comes to Davidson without some kind of financial aid. There are lots of programs, like work-study, plus endless scholarships, that make the socio-economic differences less noticiable.


The rumors are true - Davidson is tough academically and does your laundry for you. Over a third of Davidson's students are Southern, but the demographic is not dominated by Southerners.


Yes, very much so. Davidson gives too much work compared to other colleges and students suffer as a result.