Davidson College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Davidson College accurate?


At times, but there are many people who don't fit that standard


overcommitted, overachievers: yes. rich, white kids: that's a grey area. The majority of the student population is certainly white, but the school is very aware of this and working to change it. And while some are rich, by no means is everyone.


For the most part, but we like to have fun too.




For some people yes, but by no means everyone


The truth is, we study a lot, there is no two ways about it, but Davidson is a work hard play hard place. I'm proud of the work I do here and so I guess this kind of student means we are a little nerdy! The Davidson student is a well rounded one, incredibly intelligent, motivated, fun, enthusiastic, involved and there is a positive attitude that radiates through the campus all throughout the year.


These stereotypes are true, but only to a certain extent. Yes, there are times when people are stressed, and we're basically always over-worked, but thsee factors don't stop us from having a good time. Davidson students definitely know how to separate work from play, and give equal consideration to both. There's a good balance between the two. Plus, working so hard all the time just makes the "good times" even better!


Yes and no, we also like to have fun and party, and for most devotion to community service is genuine and not just a resume builder


Although students do have to study a lot due to the workload, they also have a lot of fun. There are so many clubs, activities, and volunteer opportunities that students often fill their schedules up with as well. I think there is a good balance of work and play if you organize your time wisely. Davidson students are smart because if they weren't they would not be here. Yes, they are all Type A for the most part, but this does not seem to interfere in the classroom making it less of a competitive environment to do well. Although there are plenty of people from North Carolina, I was surprised at how many people there are from the North, Midwest and California. So, for no reason, is this a really southern school although it does tend to follow southern traditions.


We are work-a-holics, but as to the rest: untrue.