Davidson College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


court is fun, organized,safe parties


mostly centered around the eating houses and fraternities. students leave doors unlocked and can leave their things around campus


Their is somewhat of a divide between students who are involved in Patterson Court and those who aren't. Patterson Court is a nice aspect of social life at Davidson. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I am most likely writing a paper.


Davidson has a lot of extracurricular activities. The Davidson Lake Campus is great, and the water credit requirement lets you participate in water activities. While there is not a big bar scene at Davidson, there are a lot of fraternity and eating house parties that are open to all. Social Life stays on campus which I think is good.


There is ALWAYS something to do here at Davidson. ALWAYS. Whether it is a speaker, a performance, a sporting event, a party, you name it, something is happening. RUF is a popular Christian club that is well-attended. The Basketball games are always well-attended. GSA has a big presence on campus. The Fraternities and Eating Houses are very popular here. I love Warner Hall (the Eating House I am in). There are activities done through the houses every weekend and Wednesday night. I have become so close with the girls in my house. But it is a more relaxed scene than at other colleges I've visited. There is no pressure to do anything, but if you're up for it you are more than welcome. Everyone here is so inviting. I have yet to lock my door this year because I'm used to friends just dropping by and chatting for hours. I can call up my friends and know that if I want to do something I will find at least one person on any given night at any hour who will hangout. Of course there is drinking if you are into that scene and alcohol is very easily obtained. But if you are not into that scene then there is always something going on in the Union. They play movies, have performances, have pancake breakfasts at midnight, bring in chick-filet until 2:30am, have contests, and so much more. Many people stay in the dorms and hangout with hall-mates, hosting their own parties. Many more go "down-the-hill" to the senior apartments as well as the frat and eating houses to dance. There is always a dance party Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night. They are almost always planned in advance but sometimes we will have spontaneous dance parties in the houses (which are so much fun!). There really is no need to go off campus because there is always so much to do here. In fact, whenever I do leave campus I worry that I am missing something back at Davidson. It is nice to leave every once in a while to go shopping or to the movies or to eat a nice meal, but generally everyone stays on campus.


davidson varsity athletes are the most popular people on campus, especially the basketball team. im involved in davidson swimming and warner hall. i met my closest friends through school orgaizations and sports. davidson is really great about having events on the weekends that require no drinking and keep students safe on campus. parties and events on campus with campus police presence most definitely decrease unsafe activity and drinking and driving.


There's a pretty large mix of what students join. There are the varsity sports which are pretty popular (especially basketball). There are also a lot of club teams. Ultimate frisbee is pretty popular and so is flickerball (a mix between football and rugby). There are a lot of different activities and if there's not one you want, you can start one. Students definitely leave their doors open the majority of the time they're in there. Athletic events are popular, depending on the sport. First basketball, then maybe soccer, then football... Theater performances are popular, depending on what it is. We have a performance called Dance Ensemble where anyone can choreograph a dance and anyone can participate. It was definitely sold out both nights. The dating scene is confusing - the stereotype is that everyone hooks up and no one dates. That seems to be the case for most people, but I have a boyfriend, so who knows. My closest friends are either on my hall or in the same dorm or in Warner Hall. At 2am on a Tuesday I'm probably just messing around, talking. I don't do work that late. People party quite a lot, actually. Not everyone does, it's probably 50-50 but there are definitely a lot of parties.


Tons of clubs (OLAS, MSA, Red Cross, Break Dance club....) Fraternities and Eating Houses (no sororities) Party on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Student Motto: "Study Hard, Party Hard"


Everyone i know plays some sort of sport, either varsity or club, and most people are in either a frat or an eating house (or tried out an eating house for a semester). The freshman always have their doors open, but most other people leave them cracked or definately unlocked. The nights to party are wednesday, friday, and saturday. The union has activities on weekend nights for people who dont want to drink or go to a party- a favorite is paint your own pottery which I will go to even if I do plan to go out later in the night... you have to get their early to get a mug.


I am on the crew team and it has been one of the most fun and rewarding experiences i've ever had. I never would have been able to participate in a team like this at a larger school. Athletics, particularly basketball, are very big here. Games are well attended in most sports and there is HUGE school spirit. As for feeling safe, I never lock the door to my dorm room, I leave my computer unattended in the library along with my wallet and iPod and I walk home from the library by myself at 1 am without any worry.