Davidson College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Davidson social life centers areound Patterson court, a community of Fraternities and eating houses who host parties open to the entire campus. Students are overall very friendly and open. Athletic events and speakers are some of the most popular non weekend events.


Athletes are 1/4 of the student body so that plays a large part in student life. There is an honor code, so it's fine to leave your door open, your ipod on the desk, etc. There is always something going on on campus, whether it be a court party, a movie with friends, or the Brickhouse.


patterson court and the athletic teams have been the main part of my social life. it has been an incredible experience, being able to meet people and remain good friends with such a large group of people


Social life is pretty good. Participation in Patterson court could be better. Love the eating house system for girls. Fraternities are good.


For such a small school, there is way too much to do. However, the library always seems to be the hot spot. The library is often a very activie school scene. There is always an interesting speaker on campus or a fundraiser to participate in. Everyone knows everyone and is usually pretty friendly. Davidson matches freshmen roommates according to a personality test and they are usually pretty on point. My roommate from freshmen year is still my roommate and one of my best friends. They match freshmen dorm halls too. I know many seniors who are still best friends with the kids on their freshmen hall. Partying revolves around the eating houses and fraternities which is fun and there are also activities for the non-partiers as well. However there is no music scene. If live music and bars are your thing, Davidson is lacking in those areas.


the men's ultimate frisbee team is very good. fraternities and their female equivalent, eating houses, are on campus, but they are not used for housing (rather, eating and partying). either you're in a serious relationship or you're hooking up - not much of a dating scene. everyone loves the basketball games. there are always activities in the student union for sober fun late-night weekends. drunks welcomed.


Basketball team is worshiped. Soccer teams are pretty cool too. But the team with the reputation for being the most fun is the Lacrosse team. its really cool that about one out of every five people is a Division one athlete, so you everyone on campus is very active. There are lots of trails and fun things to do in terms of athletics. You will meet all your best friends on your freshman hall which is cool because you are matched up via the meyers-briggs personality test. Frats and Eating houses are dominant social scene, but they are not exclusive at all and are sooooo much fun. The union board always plans so many fun sober events like ice skating or pottery painting or chick-fil-a coming, and of course these events are always free.


Most socially enthusiastic students choose to join an eating house or fraternity. Students never lock their doors, and generally leave their dorm room doors open, encouraging interaction and conversation. Parties on campus take place three days a week, though students find other ways to celebrate more often. Different student groups bring musical groups, etc. to campus, and speakers can be found just about every week.


The parties are awesome! Fraternities and eating houses know how to have fun, and the parties are always open to all of campus. That means they are well-attended and can get crazy. The scene is also safe though, so it's a great atmosphere.


most people work really hard and then party really hard, no real in between