The best advice for finding the right college would be to understand what you want out of life and what you want from your college. It's better to get into a school knowing what you want to do and being 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} dedicated to that subject. It gives you an edge over other students and shows in your work. From there, choosing the right school for you would simply involve researching the best college for the major of your interest.
I don't think that you should focus on the money factor becasue this is a big descion and you want to feel good about where your going and were your degree is coming from. It is better to go were you want then to go some were you would rather not go only because it is cheaper you will later regret going to school or drop out.
Plan, Plan, Plan! It is crucial that you identify a good program that will give you the flexibility to choose or switch a mjor as you mature and pin point what you are looking to do with you life.
For Students: If you know what you want to study, then find the schools that are well respected in those specific areas and choose the school where you feel you will get the most out of every aspect of you're experience there. If you don't know, don't worry! Most kids don't, but pick some schools that have respectable academics in general and go visit. When you visit, pick the school that excites you. You will spend a significant portion of you're life there, so go where you WANT to go. Just don't make the party scene the primary reason. You will find an exciting social scene at almost any college, focus on the bigger picture.
For Parents: I want to quote a friend of mine here, she said "It took me till I was 22 to realize that life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself." Let you're kids create themselves, and try to be supportive. Be available to answer questions that they have, and help them to find the right questions to ask.
To parents, I would advise, judging from my own experience, that you really let your child sit down and think about what they want in terms of what kind of college they would like to go to. For instance, you may think that your son or daughter would love to go to a smaller liberal-arts college, but that is not always the case. Your child might want exactly the opposite. Also, there is a good chance your child will be able to decide what kind of college he/she would like to attend if you, the parent, do not interefere or influence him/her by putting in your two cents. Of course, it's great to have that extra feedback and personal opinion, but at the same time, a lot that you say will partially determine or at least be taken into consideration when your child comes to a top 3 and needs to narrow the list down. Bottom line, finding the right college and making the most of the college experience will be possible if you know that is what your child had wanted from the very beginning, without any kind of influence from their parents.
Parents: trust the instincts of your children. This is their opportunity to take a risk and pursue something that could change the rest of their lives. Don't hold them back out of fear or the notion that you know what's best. My mom refused to accept that I wanted to go to Chicago for school, which is six hours from home. She eventually came to the conclusion that this was my life and I had to define it for myself. Your student will respect you more when you respect this step of independence in his or her life.
Students: don't rely on others to direct your path! So many of my high school friends went to a school that was comfortable and safe. I showed up to my college with no friends, no knowledge of the city, nada. I had to create myself all over again, and it was the best decision I could have made. The love of my life goes to school 300 miles from me, but my love for what is in store for my future makes it worth the effort. Don't settle for less that you deserve.
Don't rush. Make sure you know all about the school first. Visit it a few times. Parents... don't force your kids into any school. Let them choose. Because if they are forced into a school they aren't going to do well academically or socially.
I think that the decision needs to be based on the students obvious needs and goals, but also based on their personality. It is important that they realized that undergraduate education is only one part of many consequent parts of their educational life. The decision must feel right to both the student and the parent if the parent is to remain an active part of the student's life. Make sure that at all times you are honest with yourself about what you want, and what you can handle. Make sure the school meets all of yoru needs, otherwise, its not worth the effort, expense, or stress.
The right college is one that provides a collaborative environment for you to be motivated and inspired by the unique talents and backgrounds of others.
College provides a great opportunity for you to learn, grow, and be challenged. The first advice I would give to students is to never put limitations on what you can achieve and how you can impact change as a student. Instead of allowing your definition of success to be defined by your past, let success be cultivated by your hard work and passion to live out your purpose. Also, college students should not look at themselves as just students but change agents. Stay focused so that you can achieve academic excellence but don't limit yourself to the books. Take part in extracurricular activities, networking opportunities, and study abroad learning so that you can maximize your college experience. This advice will add to your success in college but you must never forget that success is not quantifiable by the things you own, grades you obtain, and activities you participate in. True success is achieved when you are able to advance yourself in your personal and professional pursuits so that you can reach out to others.