DePaul University Top Questions

What should every freshman at DePaul University know before they start?


I would tell parents to start early when looking for a school for their children. The school should be well rounded to fit the childs academic ability with room for group, have support services such as tutoring with good hours, computer labs with long hours and open everyday, spiritual and psychological support, public transportation easily accessible, a good selection of classes, teachers that are experts in the field they teach, teachers that are helpful and understanding, good extracurriular activies that are safe and fun, but most importantly a place that feels like home. Your child should be comfortable in his/her surroundings.


A college education is probably the most important investment you'll ever make in your life. College will mold you from your high school days into the adult world. Choose wisely, but do not let money be the main deciding factor. If you are a responsible student, you will meet extraordinary people and become involved in life-altering experiences; apply yourself and do everything you can to maximize your options. Whatever you do most importantly of all, do not let yourself become susceptible to living in a state of amnesia - be alive!


Parents: Don't try to push your kid towards one particular school; Remember, this are teenagers. It will likely just make solidify their desire for another. Students: VISIT! Visit, visit, visit. You cannot get a true feel for the atmosphere of a college campus or community unless you go there. You may think you want a rural college town, only to go there and realize you actually want Urban. Apply to a variety of schools. No matter how deadset on a particular "type" you might be, it can, and very likley will, change.


Finding the right college is a hard discussion. I would say that doing your research, speaking to current or graduate students, making trips to different colleges, finding out about tuitions and financial aid and also speaking to college advisor would be the top steps to making the most of you college experience.


Students need to make sure when they set foot on that campus that it "clicks". They should have that feeling that they will be at "home" and feel extremely comfortable. You also should take into account what kind of environment you want to be in -- large university town, campus amidst another location, class size, diversity, etc... I would encourage students to get as involved as possible -- and I don't mean just in clubs, but going out into the "world" and use your schools to your advantage. Find jobs that pertain to your area of interest, make connections with your professors so that they can help you network, take classes that will help you gain experience, and put forth your best effort. It will help you out in the long run and make your experience more rewarding. Finally, make friends!! Social activity is one of the most important parts of school. Don't be afraid to interact with different kinds of people and to get out and try new things. AFter all, these people could be your friends for life.


Visit every campus that you find yourself interested in from a first glance. This includes both academic opportunities as well as overall beauty and social life. Once you step foot onto the campus that will stand as a stepping stone to your future, you will know that is the place for you. Everything will stand out. You will go home that night and have dreams of your future. You will tell all your friends and family of the wonder campus. In order to make the most out of your personal college experience you have to feel comftorable. Once you are at the university do not submit yourself to your past lifestyle. Get out there, try something new, and make lifelong friends. Get involved, it is not the place to waste your time just doing school work and playing video games in your dorm room. This college will be behind your name on your resume for the rest of your life. Make the most of it and take every opportunity you can to get involved. In addition work as hard as you can. These 4 years of your life will determine your future. Work hard and make the best of it.


Do your research. Narrow your college list down to 6 or 7 schools and really try and picture yourself at each college. Look not only at the school as a whole, but the details of each. Look into school organizations, groups, campus housing, certain classes, and anything else that may interest you. Take into consideration how far this school is from home depending if you would like to be far and close from home. If they offer it, possibly stay the night at the school and see if it feels natural. Decide whether or not you benefit from large classes or small classes. To make the most of your college experience, go into college keeping an open mind. You are bound to interact with people completely different from yourself and having an open mind will allow you to take the most from these interactions. Force yourself to go outside of your comfort zone and try new things. Have no regrets, but make sure you always keep your sights on what is really important.


Begin by selecting certain areas that are important to you (i.e. location, major, size). For each school, look at all the aspects that make up the university. Make sure the school you choose matches your requirements and expectations. Also, do not rule out shcools that seem different to you. I think it's very important to be challenged in college. It is a once in a lifetime experience and should be somthing that has the power to bring you out of your comfort zone. In the long run, being exposed to new people, places, and situations will only make you a stronger, more aware individual.


College is a time to truly develop who you are and shape the future you desire. It is a time of when opportunities arise to either better or worsen you - the choice is absolutely in your hands and your hands alone. College also gives partial independance and freedom, in introduction to what could lie beyond school.


Make sure this place will fit the type of person you are, don't attend because it is where your parents want you to go, do it for yourself