DePaul University Top Questions

What should every freshman at DePaul University know before they start?


Get involved and don't be afraid to try new activities or go to new places


I know higher education is very expensive nowadays, but it will be worth it. Making the most of this experience will be by how much you get yourself involved. Being on your own for the first time, for many people, requires a lot of responsiblity. Balancing everything is very key to being succesful in school. Be involved, be active, and be smart. Whatever school you decide fits you best, a smaller school or a larger school, make sure you get involved with groups, clubs, and meet people. I understand it can be very difficult trying to juggle school, work, and a social life, but make sure you prioritize and this will also help you maintain on top of everything. Do not let the money or the distance keep you from going to college. The experience and the oppourtunity is really once in a lifetime.


Deciding on what university to attend is a daunting task for both students and their parents. I believe that students should first think about what type of campus setting they are loooking for. After they've narrowed it down to large or small, urban, or more rural, they should begin researching schools. Parents can be involved in this, and help to find scholarship opportunities. I do not believe that a school should be discarded as a possibility because it is too expensive. There are hundreds of scholarships given by universities and through independent programs. Don't be discourages because you're dream school is more than your parents would like to pay. Visiting the campus is a must,because until you've seen it you can't be sure that you will be comfortable there. Once you pick the school, don't worry, its perfectly okay to be completely nervous. That's the beauty of moving away from home and living on your own, its terrifying and then really exciting. To make the most of your college experience I'd reccomend being open minded. Be excited to try new things, and remember to put studying first.


Apply to as many college/universities as possible, and visit ALL of them! Contact your roomate early so you know what to bring/prepare, and move in as early as possible on move-in day, otherwise you will be stuck taking the stairs. The most important thing from the start is to get involved. You need to make the effort to meet people and get the most of your college stay, and the only way is if you get involved in some sort of club, activity, or sport. The more involved you are the less likely you are to blow your money on alcohol and partying, and the better you will do academically. College is not cheap, and regardless if it is your money or your parents, you are in college to get a degree. Otherwise it will be your fifth year, and you may have had the funnest experience of your life, but you will have a low GPA and won't be able to find a job. Get involved!


Pick a school that you feel you can be comfortable in and one that can cater to your needs!


The advice I have for parents and students about finding the right college is that it all depends on the student. The student should find out all the small details about what they like, for example, school size, how far away they want to move, whether or not the school offers their major, and then narrow their school choices from there. I believe the price of the school does not matter because financial aid is available. Parents and students should research scholarships and find out if they qualify for grants from their state. Once they have calculated how much aid they can receive and are still in need of extra cash, then they should begin looking for loans. That way this can cut down on the money that will be owed once the student graduates. The price of tuition should not interfere with the student's choice of school because there is always a way to pay for it.


My first piece of advice would be to always think about what the students goals are and what he/she needs to make those goals reality. If the student decides that he/she one day wants to open a business of their own and has decided to major in Business Managment they should attend a school that is recognized for their business programs and speciality in that area. If a student is undecided, which is perfectly acceptable, I would say they should not jump into a four year univeristy right away and maybe attend a community college to figure out their likes/dislikes and goals. My second piece of advice ties in with choosing what type of school the students should attend. I hate to say that financially it is smarter to attend a community college if the student is unsure, but well worth going to a 4 year university that will help the student reach their career goals if they have already figured them out. Most of the time students choose to further their education to get well paying jobs and choosing to do that can be very expensive, so it ultimately helps the student in the long run.


Parents, your kids are going to have an awesome time in college and you should encourage them to live them on campus and find multile outlets of financial aid so they don't have heftly loans when they graduate. Students, enjoy college while you can. In four years, you will be wondering where the time went as you sit down to balance your navy blue checkbook at the dinner table. Do everything you were afraid to do while you're in college.


Finding the right college demands that you look at your self and decided a few things. First, what school size makes you feel the most comfortable? Second, do mind living in a rural area that most state schools are located or a larger city that most private schools are located in? Third, do you NEED to go away to school your first year? There is no shame to going to a low cost community college for the first year as you will get the same classes for a fraction of the cost.


Attend a school that you know will help you become a success and strive in what you do. Make sure that the faculty and staff are committed to making sure that you receive the best educaton thats out there. Also find a school that provides many alternatives to finance your education, such as financial aid, scholarships, payment plans, and loans. When you do find the right school work very hard so that you can do well. Don't slack and take this opportunity for granted. Take advantage and strive for the best in life. Just study very hard and just complete the work that your professor requested you to do and you should be fine.