My advice for parents would be allow your son/daughter to make the decisioin. Most parents try to pursuade thier children towards one school for whatever reasons. This does not help! When a students makes a choice of where they want to study; they muct be confident in thier abilities to perform at this school. They must not choose because they want to do what their family wishes. This brings up the point I made earlier, students need a desire to learn. Learning should be fun and interactive. There is no right or wrong college for a student. If the student tries hard enough, and wants to learn; it will not matter what school they are at.
No matter who you are or where you come from, college will be an experience. To make the most of the experience, you must be open to new ideas. The best way to have fun and to learn is by doing something new. New, new is interesting becuase humans are such creatures of habit. People either like or dislike new. The way to descover who you are and where your going is by that one simple word, NEW!
Finding the right college begins with assesing your goals, both academically and socially. During the process of choosing the college, it is important to concentrate on the best fit for you without worrying where your peers will be attending. It is crucial to spend as much time as possible on the school's campus before accepting enrollment so that you can be assured from the start that you will be comfortable and the "fit" is just right. On the other hand, sometimes all of the planning and attention to your wants and desires can change because it is a long process between applying, visiting, and enrolling. If the outcome of your choice is not what was expected, give yourself time to acclimate to all new situations but know that it is okay to go to plan b. Taking advantage of all the school has to offer such as activities, clubs, and sports, will enhance your experience at the school. In forming a bond between both your peers and professors, the likelihood of you liking the school will be greater. Always look at the positives, have fun, and enjoy the ride.
They should keep their options open and they should not be afraid to look at expensive schools because they do offer financial aid.
Plan college future based on the most bang for your buck. Do research about in state and out of state scholarships and grants before making a final decision. Look into schools that in an area you want to live in so there is plenty to explore outside of school and there is potential to get a job in the area you graduated from. Apply for ALOT of scholarships early!
A piece of advise is follow your intuition. I think that is the best tool in finding where you will fit in both socially and economically. If your first impression of a school is not what you like, then it is probably not the best environment for you. Making friends is a little tough at first, but getting involved in school activities can open you up to people at school. I would try to be as close to campus as I could. If the commute is long, then the time spent on campus is less and the opportunity to meet people is lessened.
If you heart feels right at whatever college you visit and you can go for it, do it!
I would have to say that any school will more than likely fit your son or daughter, depending on what they make the situation. The amount of activities, internships, and friendliness that are shown are fully paid back. If you don't go to a great school, I would recommend trying as many out of school activities as possible. The possibilities are endless, and you should try for as many schools as possible. Make sure you explore many different classes so you find the right degree for you, but what you do with that degree is up to you.
I would tell potential college students and their parents not to look at the cost of the school first off. What is most important is that the student is going to be happy at that college or university, and that the student is going to get the most out of their time spent there. College is a time not only for educational learning experiences, but also learning about oneself. It is definitely important to visit a school that a student may be interested in, because a school may look good on paper, but it is important to visit and make sure that one can see themselves there. The most important thing to remember, I think, is that this college or university a student picks is going to be come his or her new home. It is important to love it there, and feel like he or she is getting the most out of their college experience both in growing in him or herself and preparing for the future and what it may hold.
Consider the opportunities the surrounding city can offer your child
Research is the best way to go along finding the best school for yourself or your son/daughter. One of the best things is to know what program you would like to be in and then find the best university in that program. That university can be nationally, internationally, regionally, or even locally. Sit down with each other and figure out what would be the best solution to your future career, as well as communicate with each other while making the decision.