I would advise myself to study and read out of the textbooks. That is the hardest thing I've had to get used to in college- reading and studying from the textbooks. I would also advise myself to read ahead and/or prepare for the coming lessons, rather than trying to catch up after the lecture. Once you get behind, it's hard to catch back up. Another piece of advise I would give myself it to learn how to budget money- make an actual budget with projected expenses and income and learn to live within that budget.
Plan ahead as much as possible. Take a class in financial aid or ways in obtaining free money for school. Have fun your first year and enjoy the experience. After that, decide what you want to major in and get it done. College is as easy or hard as you make it.
What's up Bro! You know those honor/ap classes you wanted to take to help you with college? Don't take em Bro! You'll have to do a little extra work over the weekends. You will have to "study" for your test too and than you wouldn't be able to chill with the buds. Sure you could save thousands of dollars in the long run and make your college trip a bit lighter. Or maybe even get a scholarship to the "too epxensive" school your best friend got into, for actually going the extra degree, so that you can attend with him. Eh, it's not worth it to go the extra degree. Why work and learn new things everyday when you can just coast through the material from a class that is below your potential learning ability. You'll just go with the flow, right? No point in creating more prosperous opportunities for your future. Besides you have a whole four years of high school! It's not like it will flash by and leave you regretting because you did not took that extra degree. Well don't let me keep ya. ..Your friends are waiting.
dEAR SELF college is full of ups and downs but all you can do is float...with the harsh dorm conditions and the weird roommates.
Oh yeah manage your money son, cuz we took a hit several times and needed things we had no funds for so save at least something. Study dont be so distracted by the maybes out on campus meaning(girls,recreational basketball,and parties). Stay on track your a strong young gifted man use your brain.
College life was a complicated transistion for me. If I knew in highschool what I know now, I would tell myself not to get discouraged and pay attention in math. For me, the transition was a little overwhelming, but I had lots of support through faculty at the school. I was not prepared to absorb so much information at once, so I struggled in math my first semester. Although, I did do well in all of my other classes. I absolutely loved being challenged and learning new information. I was very sick throughout my first semester and I got discouraged, I would definately change that. If I truly got the chance to go back and give advice to highschool senior me, I would say, "Don't give up, no matter what!"
College is a lot harder than high school. Professors are not as concerned about your well being as high school teachers. Your college success depends on you and only you. There is a lot of work that goes into applying and deciding which classes you should take. Nothing comes easy but by the time you are done it will be worth it.
Take harder classes and do well in school.
To work harder in school and make it a priority. Just be yourself and do not worry about what others think. Save money for college.
I would have spent a little more time trying to find more scholarships. I just relyed on my accademic sholarships but now that I have been going to school for a while I wish i would have spent more time finding scholarships that i could win. I also served a two year religious mission that really helped me pepare for college life.
If I could go back and give myself some advice about transitioning from high school to college I sould tell myself, I would tell myself not to stress so much about my schooling! I would tell my self to study hard and have confidence in myself! The knowledge will come if I read and pay attention in class! Now that I am graduated from high school I am not required to go to class, but not going to class hurts you a lot more then spending the fifty minutes in class! Going to class also takes away a lot of stress because you can ask questions and get clearification on questions that you get from your reading! I would also tell myself that a college education is priceless!