Dixie State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Dixie State University know before they start?


My advice to those who are searching for the right college is to decide what field of study you would like to go into. You may come up with a few that you would like. Then select a college/university that offers the courses you need in order to obtain your degree. Look for differences in tuition prices and work hard to get a scholarship. Find a college in a place that you would like to live in. My advice about making the most of your college experience would be to come out of your bubble. Don't be shy. Make lots of friends who will build you up and help you study. Make friends in each class and study with them. Always make time to have fun but never procrastinate. Go to the school activities. They can be really fun.


For students: It can be tough to make the transition from your parents calling the shots to making decisions for yourself that may have life-long consequences. The biggest mistake I see students make is choosing a school or degree program because it?s what their parents want for them, but not what they want for themselves. This is your time to stand up and be an adult. Following your parents? dreams instead of your own will make you miserable and resentful, and will waste your time. Also, you need a certain number of electives in any college program. This is your big chance to take all those amazing classes you find interesting but have never tried. Once you graduate and enter the workforce and start a family, you will rarely find the time or resources to go back and take those courses, so do it now. You might discover a new hobby or even career path you never even considered before. For parents: Let your student make his/her own choices, good or bad. They need to know they have your ?permission? to take this step to becoming a responsible adult.


I would advise prospective students to really enjoy their time in school. College gives us a great opportunity to improve our lives, expand our minds, and develop our talents. It can be an enjoyable learning experience where we find out what we are really interested in and what we want the rest of our lives to be like, or it can be a constant drudgery of attending uninteresting classes and performing meaningless tasks. The only difference between those two experiences is your desire. If you sincerely want to learn and grow, you will, no matter what school you attend. If you think college is a waste of time, it will be. That is why it is important to step back and analyze your own reasons for attending college and determine what you really want to get out of it. Are you just going because you have nothing else to do after high school? Are you just going because they told you that you will earn more money with a college degree? If so, it doesn't matter which school you attend. However, if you do know what you want, you will find a school to get you there.


Each college offers something different for each person, research the school and determine if it has what you are looking for. Determine the resources and programs available. State colleges are great because generally tuition is cheaper, but trasfering schools can be a bit of a hassel. Make sure the school you are attending will readily trasfer credits and that their credits are accepted by other colleges or universities. Have fun with college but also take it seriously. Most of all, get involved and be open-minded and you will have a fabulous college experience!