Emory University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Social life at Emory is great for being such an academic school. Fraternity Row is a street of about 10 fraternity houses, always hosting parties and different events for all of the Emory Students. The parties are always sick, and have free beer/alcohol. There are usually Emory Club nights, where a club in atlanta has been reserved for the night solely for Emory students. These are great events and are always a lot of fun. They definitely occur on a weekly basis for the most part. There is a bar close to Emory called Maggies where all the students tend to end up at every night that they go out. usually doesn't get going till about 1:00-1:30 but usually a good time if your drunk. It really is kind of a shitty bar but they are easy on ids so a lot of students like to go there and party.


not much social life outside of greek life


ICE is a popular student group. In ICE we hold many indian cultural functions. all the students in my dorm are very accepting of each other. I have no knowledge of dating, so far it seems unpopular. my closest friend is from my hometown actually, but otherwise it was through class. If I am awake at 2 am I either had a terrible nightmare or, I was thirsty. people party on my floor party every weekend I like the idea of a fraternity but I did not join one, I will probably do one next year. last weekend I hung out I have not had alcohol since I have come to campus so I have a lot of things to do without alcohol.


Most popular groups is definitely Greek Life. STudents in my dorm all leave their doors open. Athletic events are not popular at all, I've been to many of them and not to many students at all show up to watch. People date but random hook ups are more popular. I met my closest friends from home. 2 am on a tuesday im still partying. There are 4 nights a week when people go out, most people go out 2 or 3 of them.


Social life really revolves around the frats here. Like 35{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students are in greek life. They throw the only all-Emory parties, have mixers and date parties between frats and sororities, and take part in all the IM sports. I really can't say enough about the greek life on campus. It's so much better than what I thought it would be, and what I had envisioned it being before I came here. There are big traditional parties that happen in each frat every year...a lot of fun and different stuff happens all the time in regards to parties and night-time events. Party nights are Tuesday and Thursday-Saturday. A lot of people who go out on Thursday won't go out on Friday, and then they'll go out Saturday night. Awake on a Tuesday night at 2am? I could be out partying, but there's a 95{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} chance that I'm either studying or screwing around in my room or in the dorm with my friends.




Greek life is the most popular. I'm a pledge in a fraternity. Some students leave their doors open, none go to athletic events. No one goes to speakers unless they're big. No one goes to theatre. Dating is only for people in a relationship. I met my closest friends because they live on my floor, which I got very very lucky with. I'm either watching TV/studying because I didn't go out, or I'm at Maggies'. People go out tuesday thursday-saturday. Traditions each year are the same parties all the frats throw. Frats/Sororities are very important. I went out with my friends and drank.


Fraternity life, intramurals. in good dorm rooms they do. athletic events are not popular. I met my closest friends through a friend from back home and my fraternity. Studying or getting ready to go to bed. I dunno, i've only been here one year. thursday, friday saturday, sometimes tuesday. fraternities and sororities are important a great way to meet people. worked most of the weekend. Study or drink soda. Eat dinner go to movies etc


Greek life his popular. Maggies is a popular bar for Emory students. People don't really go into the city that much. The club scene is not huge either.


Greek life is really big especially for the underclassman. Clubs are fun to go to first semester.