The most popular group on campus is greek life an this has an overwhelming presence on social life and interactions. Most students in my dorm leave their doors closed. Most school events are not attended and aren't popular. The dating scene is decent but its often tough in college. I met my closest friends here because they are in my fraternity or they live on my floor. At 2am on tuesday I am either studying, at maggies, or playing video games. Greek life is very important for being plugged into a social scene and helps to develop a lot of close friends. On a saturday night, you can go to the library or play scrabble or simply go to parties but not drink.
The most popular groups and orginizations are the fraternities and sororities. I am involved with the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity and so far my experience with them has been one of the best experiences of my life. Almost all students in dorms leave their doors open. Athletic events are never popular. There are no big guest speakers that come, the theater does not attract that many people. The dating scene is pretty good as well. I met my closest friends through my fraternity. If I am awake at 2am on Tuesday I am probably out socializing or studying. There are many traditions and events like wonderful events that happen during the year. People party at most 4 nights a week, and at least probably 1 or 2. Fraternities and sororities are probably the single most important social outlet on campus. Last weekend I went to a couple of different fraternities parties and I hung out with my friends. You can do plenty on a Saturday night without drinking, in fact you can go out with your friends and just socialize and not drink. I eat off campus a lot.
Once everybody gets to know each other everybody has a lot of trust in each other, meaning people leave their doors open. Athletic events are not very popular, people seem to care more about their work and what they are interested in instead of going to see Emory athletic teams play. The artsy events (concerts, plays, etc.) are not as popular as I expected at a liberal arts college, although since everybody is very pre-professional I guess it makes sense.
Clearly, frats run this school. If you want any social life, you join one. There is some stuff going on off campus, but for the most part I stay on campus cause I dont find a reason not to.
Aepi runs school. Dorm life is pretty solid. In most places, aside from the pit of longstreet, all the doors are open and kids are really close with their floors. Athletic events arent nearly as popular as they should be. We should increase teh student body, not by alot, but enough to get some solid sports taems, and a freakin football team that can compete. THe schools rankings would probably shoot up if we have some legit sports, and maintain the smaller side of student body. If im awake at 2 am on a tuesday or thrusday morning im doing work. 2 am on any other day of the week im probably out. Partying is pretty good, though emory has been getting pretty strict. I dont go off campus much because freshman arent allowed cars.
Greek Life is big. Basketball team and Aepi frat. At the beginning of school yes to meet kids. Not that big. Freshman yr is 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} random hook ups. Other kids from my floor. At a bar or chillen in my dorm with friends. Dooleys week. Tues, thurs, fri, and sat. very important. away for basketball games. dont know.
good social scene. everyones nice and open to making new friends. alot of good bars and clubs nearby.
There are popular acapella groups as well as IM sports. There are also two step teams which are really cool. There are also religous groups such as Muslim Student Asociation, Hillel, Emory Students for Israel, Pakistani Student Association and Black Student Association as well.
Most of the social scene revolves around fraternities and sororities. The good thing about them is that there is usually a fraternity or sorority for almost any student.
There are restaurants, bars, movie theaters, sports games, malls in around Atlanta that you can go to off campus.
Fraternities are very popular on campus and they generate most of the nightlife. My dorm floor has an open door policy. Dooley's ball happens every year which is like a week of social functions. People party 0-4 nights a week for the most part.
Most popular would probably be indian dance groups, basketball team...traditions=Wonderful Wed. I hang out in the city of campus there are many little places to go like little 5, buckhead, etc