Florida International University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida International University know before they start?


"Kassandra?" "That's me," she'd say, turning around. Then, she'd stop dead in her tracks. If I went back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, after inducing in myself short-term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and doubt of sanity, I'd tell myself that college is probably the best, most scintillating and eye-opening expereinces that I have ever been thorugh. "Are you just saying that?" she asked skeptically. I'd shake my head "Absolutely not, and I--you--," I wouldn't know how to address "us". "We're doing quite well...A's and B's on everything." A proud smile. "The main thing is to not allow yourself to get distracted," I'd continue. "Keep your priorities straight. So many others procrastinate and party and slack off. Make sure you stay focused and you will succeed in everything you take on." She'd sit there, imagining for herself this highly anticipated new part of her life. "And, Kass..." She'd turn back to me. "There are going to be times when you're so stressed you break down, but you always make it through. We've always been determined like that."


Some words of advice that I would provide to prospective incoming freshman college students and their parents is to not be completely let down if you don't end up getting your first choice for college. Speaking from first hand experience I did not get accepted to my first choice, so i had to settle for my second. The "college experience" is really what you make of it. If you feel negative towards your school then you're going to get a negative experience from it. You have to make the most of it, and really research and find out how you can be involved on campus. Once you have all the network connections you can move on to do greater things.


College is what you make of it. For many, it is the greatest years of their lives. The best advice I can give you is to diversify yourself. Don't just go to school to party, attend football games, socialize, study non-stop, or get involved in every organization on campus. Make sure you take a little bit from everything there is to do. If you spend your first year doing nothing but studying, you will soon burn out. Grades are, of course, extremely important. However, it is very possible to have a 4.0 GPA while managing a social life. Don't just party every night, you will get tired of it and you might just have to drop out if your grades slip. Learning time management is the key to having a sucessful college experience. Manage your time and try new activities. Take a leadership position or two, but do not join so many organizations that you have no time to go out on the weekends or study for that exam next week. Lastly, keep a positive mindset because you can accomplish anything you put you set out to accomplish.


Make sure to take the time to do extensive research of what college is for you.


Ideally choose a university that has a great program based on your passion, but make sure that you have enough money and financial support. During high school, talk with advisors, and faculty during about what options are out there. Do NOT base your decision solely on distance from where you live, just like myself. Once in college, get involved in community/special interest clubs. Get active on issues that matter to you: that will connect you with people that are interesting and inspiring. Look at professors reviews online before taking a class with them. Read the university's newspaper: that is a way of getting connected to what is going on in that smaller community and you will make better decisions when voting in student government elections, and attend to university related forums. Make of your campus your little-practice-world, so in the future, after graduation, you will be more familiar on what it takes to be involved in the "real" community and political processes, since those two factors will greatly help you in your career and how well you will do on it.


I give them not to give up in school and make all ends meet. Try to work hard at your work and make an effort to study your material . Over come obstacles and head forward.


My advice is to select the right college that you think is right for you. Take into consideration the fact if you want a big school, what kind of environment you want to be in, and how motivated you are to suceed.


i think that stuendets should go with what feels rigth, i rememeber at first i always said i didnt want to go to FIU and i wanted to go to my dream school in central florida, but when i went to visit the campus and went on the audition process at my fream school i didnt feel that say way i felt when i went to FIU and i audition there, like i said on a previous quiestion as soon as i walked in through those thetaer department doors, i felt welcome which was something that i didnt feel at my dream school, so not awlays your dream school is the best you you, its the right program!


Choosing the right college isn't easy. Visit the campus beforehand. Check out the food options on campus. Check the apartments on campus. Check everything that you deem important to you. Even little things that you don't think will matter like parking spaces, make sure you are comfortable with everything. You (the student) are the one who will be going to school there so you have to be comfortable, not your parents. Just because you are accepted into the university doesn't mean that you stop applying for scholarships. Apply, apply, APPLY! As for campus life, join clubs! One of the best decisions I made was joining a club for leadership. I had the time of my life. It was amazing. And that was just one club., so there are PLENTY more to join that give you amazing life experiences. Make friends in your resident halls because you will spending ALOT of time with them and they may help you out later in your college careere. HAVE A GOOD TIME. Take school seriously but allow yourself to have a good time as well. Good Luck!!


I think that in order to find the right college for you, you need to do some research. Make sure that you take the tours, visit the website, and talk to the students. Every college has its pros and cons. In order to ensure that you make the most out of your college experience, make sure that the pros out-weigh the cons. Even though I felt that the university I chose was way too large for my taste, I was happy because of the education I was getting through the Honors College and through the College of Education, which is one of the best in the state. Another way to make sure that you make the most out of your entire college experience is to get involved in the school. I was not as involved as I would have liked to be, and I regret that. I was not as involved because I had a full-time job in order to pay for classes. You can use my experience as a learning situation. Make sure that you apply for as many scholarships as possible in order to pay for classes so that you have the time to get involved.