If I could go back to when I was a high school senior, I would drill into my skull that my mother was right about my exboyfriend. I was raised by a single mother. As a teenager and young adult, I tended to break her heart often due to my state of mind. If there is anything I could change I would change the way I treated my mother. When I was a senior in high school, I dated this boy that my mother did not approve of. The day I turned eighteen I moved out of my house and withdrew myself from my school. I moved to where he lived and enrolled in his school. I changed my number, when my mother got home all she had was four walls and a cake for aperson who couldn't be found. If I could go back, I would change that day. I would tell myself that she was right about Darren. I remind her everyday what a wonderful woman she is, has been, and will always be. And I will tell her everyday how much I love her, and how sorry I am for the pain I have caused her.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the advise I would give is to learn how to manage my time. Looking back at my time in high school I realize that I could have done so much more academically and financially if I had only learned to manage my time correctly. Now that Im older I have come to the realization that it is never too early to prepare for the future. I used to think that I wouldnt have to take a loan until law school but due to changes in the economy my family had to take out a loan just so I could attend the spring semester. In closing my high school self should learn to manage his time and to make the most out of it as well. I once thought that high school would never end and now im a junior in college. The time to prepare for the future is now.
Dear Martha,
I know that you are gutwrenchingly nervous right now. Don't worry, architecture is where you are supposed to be. It will teach you discipline, enrich your creativity and give you the self-confidence to take chances and nurture your own ideas. That is why you will eventually leave it. Because while architecture is considered the most practical of artistic careers, while it was the result of all those career/interest assessments you have taken in hope of being given some direction, it is not for you and you will eventually choose your own. That is where I'm writing you from today. Go forth with all that you have, always. It is so important that you embrace the experience because the more that you give to it, the more you will be able to take with you. Do not forget that education should not be about taking simple classes to boost your GPA, but rather about cultivating yourself and allowing yourself to fall in love with new ideas and knowledge.
First of all, do not procrastinate, studying is the key to excelling in college. Making friends was never easy for you, but enjoy the few you make and create a long lasting bond. Time and money management is also something to work on. Keep your grades up because if you lose your scholarship, dealing with the out of pocket payments are very stressful, especially when it's coming from someone that's coming from a low income family. Keep your chin up and don't let one bad grade keep you down. Work hard and achieve all of your endeavours.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior with the knowledge of college life I would definitely have numerous amounts of inspirational thoughts and suggestions to lead me in the right direction, but the most important fact of them all would be to stay focused. College life allows students to find themselves, giving them freedom to do things at their own pace. I would tell myself the most important key to graduating college would definitely be to stay focused. There are many things that can distract you to make you stray away from your path to success. I would tell myself to remember that education comes first and to never give up. Some classes, professors, and your social life could possibly make you want to give up, but you should always remember that success is the key to life. In order to be successful, you must stay focused and be the best that you can be to follow your dreams. It is very easy to get side tracked but remember the more focused you are the more knowledgable you become and the faster you lead yourself to success.
A high school education is offered to us free of charge with the power in our hands to take full advantage of the available resources that could lead to a sturdy foundation and springboard into college. A student that has not taken advantage of the resources will be unprepared for the tremendous challenges that lie ahead. Relecting back, it is almost a crime to not fully utilize what is available to us at no charge and to position ourselves in the strongest fashion for the start of our college years. In this light, every high school student ought to take full advantage of honors and AP courses that our available to them.
I think I would tell myself to really take a step back and breathe. I would try and tell that scared senior to stop whenever she catches herself comparing herself to other people. I would also take the time to tell myself to not be scared when I see the big buildings and the huge amount of people and to never ever let it make me feel small, because no matter what, I know I have a big spirit. It may seem superficial, but to save myself the constant mirror checks before heading out the door, I would pick out a few outfits and explain it won't be the end of the world if I dare to repeat an outfit. The most important thing cannot be expressed in words: I would give myself a warm bear hug and pat myself on the back for making it this far.
To make sure that you search for scholarships, as many as you can. College is very expensive. Also to keep an open mind because college is also about self-discovery. You would be surprise at how much you learn about yourself and what your priorities are once you have more freedom from your parents. College is only fun and easy when you make it to be.
Going back to high school, I would have told myself to study as hard as I could and to do the best that I could in my AP classes so I could pass more Advanced Placement exams. I would tell myself to go to after school sessions to study for the ACT or SAT so I could have reached a higher score. I would tie in that I am to look up as many scholarships as I can and I am to submit all types of essays no matter how long it may take because it will pay off when I am in college in need for money to pay for very expensive books. I would also tell myself to fill out government financial aid on time and with proper information so I can recieve grants from the state. And finally I will tell myself that finishing high school is only the beggining of a very long proccess as to what I want to accomplish in life. I would have made myself realize what course of study I am most interested in and then to apply to a college that focuses on what it is I want to progess in.
Dear soon to be college student,
When you get to college, there is a lot of freedom and nobody is making sure that you get your work done or your class materials, and nobody is really paying attention if you go to class. It's up to you to show up and get your work done and even assign yourself homework when the professors do not give you any. Whenever you have freetime study for your classes, when an assignment is given, give yourself your own deadline because there is a lot of work to be done and you do not want to procrastinate.
Get to know your professors, be nosy, talk to them even if you think you don't have a question, chances are that the professor can explain to you better what he is expecting from you. Visit them during their office hours so that they can help you with the class. If you are weak in a class go to tutoring, especially since at FIU its free. If you have a job save money, for any emergency that may arise.
Don't slack, don't procrastinate. You are on your own now, so make yourself proud.