Choose a college that you feel is right for you. A lot of people will pressure you into things that they wanted for themselves but it might not be right for you. Would you like to have small classes or big lecture halls? Live in a small town or a big city? Also try to live on campus. Its an experience that can only be had once. Apply for as many scholarships as you can most college students are known to be constantly broke. Dont waste anytime take as many classes as you can handle. Dont forget to have fun and look for experiences. Meet people, join clubs or houses. College is a once in a lifetime experience. And definitely try to study abroad.
Parents: Push students to do their best but let them make their own decisions.
Find one that you feel comfortable at in its size of campus and student population size. Also, one that has many of the things you like to do and become a part of within campus, and probably even off campus. A campus you know will feel like home and just right. Find one you love to be at and love what they are all about. If your into sports and find that a priority then find a school that has good sport teams, if your into art then find one that is awesome in there art programs, just find one that has several good specialties that you like or would like to try and have awesome programs of your choice.
Everybody wants to feel like they belong where they are. When searching for the right college you have to be able to picture yourself there. How horrible would it be to pick a college only to realize that you feel like an outsider when you're there? My advice about selecting the best college is to see which one you feel the most stimulated by and where you would feel comfortable learning and growing. Strive to get as involved as possible, because that is the key to meeting people and to enriching your college life socially, academically, and otherwise.
Visit each college and live that day like you acually attenf that college.
Choosing the right college is not an easy task, but it is a very essential one. In order to find the right college, students must know what they want to study, the type of place they like, the diversity they like, and how much they are willing to spend. People should make a list of all the possible colleges and visit tour them. Go online and search how they are rated and read articles on them. Find out how many successful people graduated from the college and what they think about that college. Lastly, find out how many employers give priviledge to students graduating from that university.
Look into a variety of schools and do your reasearch. Call and visit the schools you might like and look into the campus environment, classrooms, teachers, etc. A great idea is to talk to students currently there because they can give a realistic look as to how it will be without any sugar coat. Also look into all the possibilities for scholarships and apply to as many as possible. Even if you do not get them it cannot hurt to try and any help with college in the end is very handy. You may think that you will be fine with all the expenses that will be thrown your way, but college life can be costly. Not woring about money can ease a lot of stress and trust me college can get very stressful. In the end, make sure that the college you choose is one that meets your needs and you can see yourself happy there for four years.
The most important thing is targetting the college you want in accordance with the carrer/major you want to pursue. My experience in Florida Internation al University has taught my this leson. The University has an excellent Political Science program and Faculty, but has a mediocre philsophy department. I am majoring in both. I realize now that a student who wishes to pursue only philsophy (to teach or a pre-law track) should not come to this school. Classes are difficult to come by, and the teachers are not the most profficient in their field. However a student wishing to pursue political science would benefit much from this school. The Pol. Sci. program fascillitates internships with local government officials, has very profficient and specialized teachers, great advisers, and sometimes has practioners teach inclass. This last semester one of my teachers was the speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Marco Rubio.
Look for something that will help you, not just academical but emotional, physically, and spiritually
Research, Plan and execute, The process a person goes through in high school on deciding on a major, and how to pay for college requires a lot of thought and careful planning. Due to the nature of going to college via Our first steps as an adult, we must have clear realistic goals to guide our journey through the ins and outs of college education. You must be diligent in your studies but at the same time, college is also a great place to meet people and expand your social consciousness as well as networking in your particular course of study. Find out what you want to do, your goals and aspirations, and then spend sometime to think how you want to get there. Write out realistic goals, using them as a guide mark your progress throughout college. Studying is important but so is the social aspect of college life. Meet as many people as you can, college is your launching pad to life, get off on a good start and there is no telling how far you can go.
I would tell the students to pick a college they'd love to live around and embrace the community and your peers.