About a volunteerism project.
My floor in Queen's Court was famous for leaving our doors open or having people just hanging out in the hallway. That's how we all met actually. Athletic events are fairly popular especially the football games. Guest speakers usually get a large crowd and the Fordham Experimental Theater remains quite popular on campus with every performance selling out. I met my closest friends just by hanging out in my hallway. We just naturally formed a close group of friends. If I was awake on a Tuesday at 2 AM, I'm probably studying, finishing a paper or just fooling around on the computer. Fordham Week is very popular and happens each year, but the event that takes the cake is definitely Spring Weekend. People party pretty much every weekend and on most Tuesdays since Wednesday class schedules are the lightest. On a Saturday night, I could just watch a movie, talk with my friends or head into the city to our favorite coffee shop.
Extra curriculars are pretty big on campus. Personally, I played Intramural sports and had a great time playing them with my good friends. Also, the athletic/gym facilities are relatively nice and provide you with the physical workout to accompany your academic ventures.
On the whole, partying ON campus is nonexistent-- the only type of partying on campus is the pregame festivities that take place in your room before getting your crew together and hitting up one of the four bars or house parties in the surrounding area. I was not sure how much I would enjoy the bar scene at first but I must say I had a fun time with it over the past year, using it as a means of meeting many new people.
Students in dorms leave their doors open freshman year. Everyone is super friendly and eager to meet people.
The dating scene is big at Fordham. Freshman year there are of course the many hook ups but all in all Fordham is a dating school.
My closest friend happens to be my roommate. We got put together randomly and it worked out amazingly. I have found that if Fordham does one thing right its matching up good roommates. Almost everyone I know gets along extremely well with their freshman roommate.
If im awake at 2am on a Tuesday I am probably having a late night snack at the local cafe with my best friend.
Some traditions that happen every year are Spring Weekend. The weekend begins Thursday and ends Sunday and is packed with fun activities and music and everyone has an amazing time.
People party most weekends and Tuesday nights because most Fordham students do not have class on Wednesday.
There are no fraternities or sororities at Fordham.
If you don't want to drink on a Saturday night you can go easily go into the city and have a million different things to do.
There is lots to do off campus. There is Fordham road right outside of campus with fun stores to go to. There is the Bronx Zoo and Botanical Gardens right outside Fordhams gates. And of course New York City is a van, train, or subway ride away.
best social scene around FULL of house parties, tri-fecta bar scene and city access in 15 minutes
Dorm life is really fun. From my experience, not only people in the same wings but in the same dorm period grow really close and find most of their first friends in this environment. I would say the dating scene isn't that great, at least so far, probably because of the active party scene where formal "dating" isn't really easy. I met my best friend at Fordham doing a program called Urban Plunge where we moved in early freshmen year to do community service, we've been friends ever since. All of my other closest friends I either met in class, in my dorm, and through these people. Tuesday nights are huge going out nights so I am most likely out at a bar at 2am on a Tuesday. Spring Weekend is everyone's favorite event, There's a concert and an under-the-tent dance. Most people party every weekend and a large majority party Tuesday/Thursday (maybe both) and Friday and Saturday. We don't have greek life but there are huge house parties. My last weekend at Fordahm consisted of going to a few parties and bars and having dinner in Manhattan. The party scene is really active around campus so if you opted not to drink on a Saturday night it would be harder to find something to do than it would be if you were planning on drinking. It's definitely possible but takes more of an effort. There's plenty of things to do in Manhattan, around campus and even in the dorms. I've stayed in with my friends watching movies or gone to shows on Broadway on Saturday nights and had plenty of fun. All the partying that takes place takes place off campus at houses and bars. There's great restaurants on Arthur Avenue, great shopping on Fordham Road and the Bronx Zoo and Botanical Gardens which are free on Wednesdays. One thing I never expected to love about Fordham is the Bronx. I'm actually really glad that I've learned a lot about it and can actually say that I feel comfortable there, at least during the day haha.
The organizations are very academically based. We have an AMAZING theater department that puts on original and captivating performances. Otherwise, I am not involved
Sporting events always have huge turn outs and teams usually sponsor or host before or after parties. Upperclassmen can party in dorms though most of them live off campus where there is little risk of getting in trouble with Res-life. There are a few bars off campus which exist pretty much only for Fordham students. There is always a mixture of people at the bars-- it is not limited to one group of people. If not going out around campus, the city is also extremely easy to get to. Fordham has vans that go downtown, plus the train is right outside of the gates. Many bars in the city sponsor certain Fordham nights which a lot of students attend.
Eddie's is the best in nice weather!!!! Eddie's is a field in the middle of campus, and when it's nice out, everyone goes out there and plays frisbee, football, catch, lies out, studies, or just hangs out with friends. IT's the best when it is warm out, and it's completely packed, but it makes going to class REALLLLLLLY hard.