With events everyday, balls, parties, and galas, Fordham never leaves a day without getting together and creating new networks!
My closest friends from Fordham are the girls in my grade that are on the Cheerleading team with me, and my roommate from Freshman year. They are some of the nicest girls that I have ever met in my life, and we always try and do dinner together and take advantage of living so close to Manhattan.
populsr groups
- football and basketball
a group that i am involved in
- The football team, we have a huge presence on campus although we are not respected by many we do get notice very easily.
the dating scene
- Its alright, however if your looking to find an african American girl... good luck.
How did i meet my closest friends
- Football
If i am awake 2 am on a tuesday
- I am probably partying because tuesday is a party day
Traditions that happen
- After each win in a sport we ring this bell that can be heard all around campus.
HOw often do people party
- tuesday, Friday, Saturday... but if your on the football team ur probably only going to get to party on staurdays
- there isn't any
What did I do last weekend
- studied then went to a party.
other than drinking on a saturday what can i do.
- there is so much to do in the city on a saturday.
What do you do off camps
- a lot of things, from eating too hanging out
I'm a member of Beta Alpha Psi, the accounting and finance club on campus. There are weekly meetings and representatives from accounting firms etc. come and speak to us. It depends on the dorm you live in, but many students do not leave their doors open. The only athletic events that are popular at Fordham are football and men's basketball. You don't hear much about guest speakers unless they are Fordham alums. There are several good plays put on each year that are fairly popular. I know very little about the dating scene, but it seems that the social atmosphere revolves around people going out to bars and/or drinking together. I met my girlfriend in the dorm and most of my other friends the same way. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday, it's because I am spending time with my girlfriend in one of our rooms or watching a movie in the lounge. People party on Tuesday nights since Wednesday is the day most people have no classes, and Friday and Saturday nights are also big party nights. I don't know of any fraternities or sororities, Beta Alpha Psi, which I am a member of, is a society that is for men and women. Last weekend I went into the city and helped my girlfriend entertain her friend who was visiting her from home. On a Saturday night you can watch a movie or you can find something else to do, whether it be in the city or in your dorm with friends, you can even just hang out with people. Off campus I usually go out to eat, go into Manhattan, or run, since I am on the Cross Country and Track teams.
there are to many groups, organizations, clubs to name them, but they are all popular
teams: football and basketball on big game days. water polo gets no love
students leave their doors open all of the time, because we know everyone on the floor, we know everything is all good
we get very dignified guest speakers! we be lucky
events: spring weekend, we have a popular performer come like busta rhymes
people party all the time, its college. if you want to party there is always something going on, if you don't they it won't distract you
no greek system here
last weekend i went to a club in the city
saturday night question: what can't you do? take the subway into the city and there is so much to do from concerts, comedy clubs, dancing clubs, knicks games, yankee games, mets games, broadway shows, operas, museams, there is soooo much to do here! and its all cheap through fordham
off campus: there are parties on the off campus housing and then i go into the city to live the good life
Everyone loves the football, basketball and baseball team. It's just like high school all over again. I play Men's Soccer at Fordham, as I've mentioned. We have a decent following, but it's the most popular sport in the world come on! We should have an undying fan club but it's tough to get alot of people out in the stands. Students in dorms definitely leave their doors open. The athletic events are definitely the most popular events. Guest speakers draw a good amount of people sometimes, depending on the lecturer. The dating scene is interesting. A lot of people don't want a boyfriend of girlfriend because of how concentrated they are on school. It's extremely frustrating, but hey, it happens. I met my closest friends through soccer or through my friends from soccer. If I'm awake on Tuesday at 2 am, it would either be that I'm watching a movie or doing homework in my room. Fordham has a lot of partiers which was surprising to me. What's annoying to me is what RDs and RAs concentrate on. They are all very focused on stopping drinking at all cause, to the point where they don't use common sense any more. But in just my dorm alone, there are coke addicts, drug dealers, half of my floor smokes marijuana or does acid...and they NEVER get caught. A kid in my dorm had 15 different types of illegal drugs shipped from Amsterdam, through UPS into his PO Box at school and didn't get caught. If he got caught, he would be in jail for close to five years, but instead the RAs and RDs are focusing on thwarting the terrors of Coors Light. STUPID. Fraternities and Sororities aren't very important...I don't even know of any. We are so close to the city, it's perfect. On a Saturday ngiht anyone can take the Metro-North into Times Square...see a concert, go to dinner, go shopping, anything your heart desires. It's incredible. Most of my teammates live off campus, so we go to their houses.
What dating scene? Met friends in the dorms, classes, clubs, work-study, and study-abroad. There are no frats or sororities. Off campus: go to the city.
There is literally so much on this topic it is mind blowing. We go to school in New York City; need I say more? No, like we go to COLLEGE in NEW YORK CITY. That mix is unbeatable. Everyone can do so many different things every single day and night that it is impossible for me to sum it up in one generic explanation. So, I’m going to draw from personal experience.
Now, I personally am a “Sex and the City” addict. Since the show came on, I never missed a beat, memorizing most of the episodes and outfits the four single Manhattanites wore as they search for love in the big city. I guess it has always been a dream of mine to have 3 girlfriends in New York and live the life of Carrie Bradshaw. (Yes, I do fall into that “I am so New York” category when it comes to this.) Interestingly enough, I now have three best girlfriends, go to school in New York, and live a (budgeted) Sex and the City life! Here is some background.
My soon to be best friends all decided to move in to college early and do something called Urban Plunge. Here at Fordham, it is an opportunity for incoming freshman to do a week of service before school starts. Mostly though, it’s just because they want to make friends first, get away from their parents faster, and pick the good bed in their rooms before the roommates come. My roommate Kasia, a gorgeous Polish girl from New Jersey, made friends with my future friend Erin on (every college aged person’s lifeline). Funny thing is, they wanted to room together, but somehow it didn’t work out. (She got stuck with me, how disappointing!)They made friends with my spunky friend Carly during Urban Plunge and the three hung out for a week before I even arrived.
It was a little intimidating moving in at Fordham. I’m three thousand miles away from home, in a humid hot new place, where I don’t know anyone. The orientation leaders were overly nice and outgoing, almost obnoxiously. Fordham tried to make my move in fun so as to distract me from my homesickness. My roommate had already been there for a week and already had a group of friends. The first night of school, Kasia and I ditched the lame freshman orientation activities and ventured into Manhattan for an underground concert, a midtown party, and a sleep over at an NYU dorm. Great first impression. After meeting the other two girls, we have been inseparable ever since.
I would describe to you our typical weekend, so you can get a sense of what there is to do at Fordham. The problem is, there is no such thing as a typical weekend. Every weekend is different and exciting and drama filled.
Let me give you a rundown last weekend, for example. Friday night. It’s finally the weekend after midterms. Seriously, the epitome of T.G.I.F. After meeting for our usual lunch date, the girls and I decide to shake things up and go out to a club in Manhattan. We went with a random promoter to this club called Touch, but the crowd was lame and the music was lamer. So, we called up our other promoter friend, hopped in a cab downtown, and met him at a hip bar in midtown Manhattan. Basically, club nights are when we can become whoever we want to be. It is the complete opposite of your typical college scene. Everyone is well dressed and good-looking. And if you’re not…well….you don’t get in. Plain as that. I guess it’s a good gauge to see how you’re doing on keeping off that feared freshman 15. Anyway, after getting hit on by 30-year-old divorcees, we left to go to Tenjune, an exclusive club frequented by celebrities. After pushing things up and sucking things to impress the doorman, we got in and danced the night away. We rolled back onto campus at around 4 in the morning. A perfect start to the weekend.
The next night, we decided to lay low. After a wonderful Fordham breakfast at 3 pm, we napped, watched a movie, took another nap, and hung out until around 8 pm when we started to get ready for Saturday night. It was a low-key night. Three house parties and a drink up at Mugz, a hotspot bar. We decided to go to the Playboy Bunny themed party at a house near Fordham. Lingerie and bunny ears rubbed up against smoking jackets to the latest hits. Take a break from dancing and you may like to enjoy a keg stand in the backyard or wait in the mile long line to the bathroom. After a night of girl fighting, random hook ups, and some light vomiting, everyone left at around 3 in the morning. We decided to skip the typical Pugsley’s pizza slice and headed for the dorms. Another successful Fordham weekend.
-Most popular organizations: any athletic team
-I am involved with women's choir. It is a great group to work with!
-Students in freshman dorms leave their doors open... and that was my only experience with open doors (and i am now a junior).
-Athletic events are mildly popular... definitely basketball and occasionally football, since the football team has actually gotten to be decent this past year. Other events are not so popular.
-I have been in a serious relationship since high school, so have not experienced the dating scene much except for being hit on at bars.
-I met my closest friends freshman year and in my major classes.
-I am not awake on Tuesday at 2am because i have an 830 on wednesday, but most of the campus would be out at the bars.
-Many events happen involving Father McShane.. havent had the chance to really go to any.
-People party A LOT... at least once or twice during the week, and then Friday and Saturday on the weekend. Excessive, if you ask me.
-Fraternities and sororities do not exist at fordham.
-I did all of my work on friday night and went out on Saturday night.
-You can go see a movie, go out to dinner, do work....
-See movies, go shopping, eat... pretty much everything?
Freshman Year a lot of doors are open or bolted, although I didn't meet my closest friends that way. I didn't meet them until sophomore year in my dorm wing. Athletic events are pretty popular - especially basketball. Spring Weekend is the most advertised and most popular event on campus each year. The free concert, the free food, the Under the Tent dance -- one last extravaganza before buckling down for finals. There's no fraternities or sororities at Fordham, but that doesn't mean no drinking. All it means is that there's no "houses of drinking." And if that's not your scene, hop the train or the Ram Van into the city and see a show, go to a Museum, or explore a neighborhood.