The most popular clubs on campus? I don't know what you mean by popular. I can't answer that. I am involved with the Mock Trial Team at Fordham. We use case materials provided by the American Mock Trial Association and compete nationally against other Universities. The group was founded in 2001 and we have been rising stars every since. Students leave dorm rooms open a lot in Freshman dorms but thereafter, no, not really. Basketball games are really popular, football games became more popular this year after the football team started winning. People don't tend to date, they tend to just have sex. I met my closest friends through my freshman year dormitory. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday i am doing homework. Spring Weekend, which is a giant party/ drunk fest with a dance happens every year. It's actually REALLY REALLY fun. People party a lot. There are no fraternities or sororities. Clearly we don't need them. Last weekend I got drunk on Friday night and went out to eat with my boyfriend and his parents on Saturday. What can you do that doesn't involve drinking? We go to school in New York City, use your imagination. I go to the movies off campus, I go to see Broadway plays, I go to the library to do research for classes, I go to restaurants off campus, I go shopping off campus.
teams are ok. not enoug people go to games. im involved with the WFUV radio station. great place to work while at fordham. girls are not very good looking. perople party every week. on saturday night you can drive to the movies or go home or hang out in your dorm/apartment. off campus i eat, shop, and party.
Fordham is unique in that no person can go bored on any given day. Students can get involved in religious activities, including reading in the Catholic Church, but there are also Protestant ministers, Rabbis, and Muslim religious leaders on campus. The Fordham Jesuit tradition is open to all people and beliefs. Building a community is the most important aspect in the first year on campus and these friendships (forged at local bars, through clubs, or in the residence halls) are generally longlasting. The football and men's basketball games draw the biggest crowds, especially against rivals. Loyal fans are also known to follow the teams to away events, as far as Rhode Island and as close as Harlem. There are events, such as bands, comedians, and dances throughout the year, but there is a culmination of the three during Fall Fest and Spring Weekend (the last hurrah before final exams).
There are a bunch of bars near Fordham which seem to cater to the different social groups. There is a bar that all the theater kids go to, a bar that all the communication majors go to, and a bar where all the RA's seem to go to.
Unfortunately, and to my regret, I haven't gotten involved with campus activities other than participating in events sponsored by the Commuter Student Organization. Most of my friends/acquaintances are students in my classes. I don't frequently participate in campus parties etc. Most of the people I socialize with live off-campus or commute from afar. Also, I'm not a big drinker, so most of my weekend activities involve simpler things like spending time with family or hanging out in small groups.
Social life is fairly minimal at Lincoln Center. I see posters for clubs and activities around, but know few students who get involved. Plays, both the faculty-directed Mainstage shows and the student-directed studio shows, are frequent and well-attended.
Obviously, the school is in Manhattan and there are an almost infinite number of social options available in the city.