George Washington University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at George Washington University accurate?


The stereotypes are somewhat accurate. The vast majority of students, it seems, are from the northeast. Many of the kids come from wealthy backgrounds and a lot of people are materialistic, but there are also plenty of students from middle class families from all over the country that are not materialistic at all, you just have to look a bit harder to find them.


There are a lot of students here who do come from wealthy families, but there are also a lot of students who don't. There's so much variety in who you will meet from different classes, ethnicities, and religions. GW does have a large party scene, but there are certainly groups that have fun without going crazy.


I mean there are a lot of kids from the northeast and coke is the new weed but that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of people who don't do either as well as people who do smoke but don't do coke. Also everyone complains that people aren't that good looking.


A lot of people are rich; some are snobby; a lot are from the Tri-State area; and many are politically active but many are not. It all depends who you hang out with.




Its very easy to see the wealth that GW Students have, many do flaunt it and I find it more common here than on other campuses- however there are always the exceptions.


This stereotype, unfortunately, is accurate, but if you look hard enough you can find people who do not fit this stereotype.


The school is definitely filled with its share of wealthy and often snobby kids. Most people here i have met have come from pretty well off families, but you wouldn't know it unless you asked. I have also found that there are many students here that are very intelligent, and some who are not. There is a big variance in intelligence.


To some extent. I can't say that I know anybody who fits ALL of those steryotypes. But there are definately a lot of gay boys, a lot of jewish kids, a lot of jersey kids, a lot of rich kids, and being in DC it's hard not to be politically aware.


while there are many gay guys and jewish people, they are not overwhelming, you can find the crowd of people you want at any school. in regards to the overwhelming jewish population: I am in a random quad and only one of my roommates is half jewish.