George Washington University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at George Washington University accurate?


for the most part, minus the majority of snobby kids


They are definitely present, but do not necessarily make up the majority.


although there are a bunch of rich kids, you'd find them at any school. GW obviously has a lot of wealthy students, but it has a lot of kids on scholarship, too; most of the time, you can't tell them apart. GW prides itself on blending in with the city or being apart of it. Well I disagree. As soon as you walk onto campus you know it. There are students crowding every sidewalk, and street although the school would prefer otherwise. Every building is owned by GW and is classrooms, offices or dorms. The main difference is instead of having an isolated campus, one in which when you step off campus you are basically in a barren wasteland, we have one of the most influential cities in the world.

