Gettysburg College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Gettysburg College?


preppy, wealthy, lacrosse, new england, long island, baltimore, lily pullitzer, party school, fraternity, sorority, very smart students and difficult curriculum


Gettysburg is a small school with almost no diversity - white, upper middle class students who love their JCrew, Polos, and boat shoes. If you meet someone in Greek life it's assumed they're a management major, and vice versa. Frat brothers will almost always wear sandals year round, frequent their house's front porch, with beer in hand, if they have one, and own at least one pair of pink pants.


While Gettysburg is known for its historical significance in the civil war, I've heard it said that the only calvary you will see are the little multi-colored ponies that are sported on the Ralph Lauren Polo shirts worn by the student body. Gettysburg is said to be a very upper-middle class homogenuous institution.


Everybody at Gettysburg looks the same and does all the same things.


Because tuition is expensive, the stereotype tends to gravitate towards trust-fund babies who attend college to play lacrosse and major in management, or to join a sorority and find a rich boy to marry. Alongside this stereotype is another, which tends to be somewhat contradictory: the generalization that Gettysburg students are all extremely studious and intelligent, top of their class, SAT scores off the charts. The website and other Gettysburg literature tend to portray students as active and extroverted, each boasting some extraordinary accomplishment or ability.


Before I came to Gettysburg, I was warned that Gettysburg students are largely conservative and preppy. Also considering the tuition costs, students are considered spoiled and rich.


There is a stereotype that all Gettysburg students are rich, preppy white kids; that we all drive range rovers and shop at Lacoste and that we all look, act and think the same. However, I've heard that we're also stereotyped to be a frienly and open community as well.


A typical Gettysburg student is goodlooking, relatively wealthy (some show it more than others), from the northeast aka connecticut or jersey or maryland and someone who loves to party


Many believe that Gettysburg students are typical J.Crew dressed, preppy, and materialistic people. I have found that is not the case. I think people need to be aware that they may just find this type of group at any school. I happen to like preppy clothes myself. What you need to recognize is that there are many different types of students on campus. I truly believe everyone finds their niche. If the school is not for you, it isn't. I have found that we all judge eachother at one point, it is part of being human. We can't help it. I do think though, at our school, you can settle into friendships that won't be based on how you look or act. There is always an opportunity to try and meet new people, by joining a club or branching out on campus. I find I am constantly wanting to meet others and interact with those different than myself.


rich/snobby, very preppy