Gettysburg College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Gettysburg College?


they are just a bunch of rich kids


Rich, White, spoiled


Growing up in Gettysburg, I always thought all the college kids were really rich. The stereotypes are that everyone has a lot of money and that everyone drinks a lot. And that we're all really preppy.


We're all rich and Preppy...


Coming into Gettysburg as a freshman, I didn't really know many of the stereotypes of the student body besides what I had read on college websites like this one. Many say that a day at Gettysburg is like taking a page out of a J.Crew catalogue. While I would have to say most are a part of this homogenous student population, it is clear that the student body has/is becoming more diverse over the years.


Preppy, middle/upper class, Huge interest in Greek life


White, Preppy New Englanders from upper middle class to upper class backgrounds. Also regarded as a party school due to the prominence of Greek life on campus.


There are many stereotypes in town that the college students are "stuck up rich kids". There are also stereotypes of the typical frat guy or sorority girl.


preppy rich white kids that live in the Gettysburg bubble


A stereotypical Gettysburg student is rich and snobby. The girls wear big pearl earrings, Ugg boots and Vera bradley purses and the boys wear polos, khakis and backwards hats. Everyone spends their parents' money.