School is what you make it and it is better to do it a young person then waitting untli you are older. Putting as much into school as you could will make your college a success. Because of scholarships and the help you get due to your grades. College is great and you can be a success in life once you are done.
If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a senior I would have said to take more advantage of the resources that are available to me in order to achieve my goals faster, such as scholarships, counseling, being more informed about what certain schools are able to offer me achieve my goals much quicker than others. Also that I should setup up short term and long term goals, this way I am able to achieve my goals step by step and have alternatives just in case something does not work out for me, such as extra funds to have when needed for school supplies and classes.
If I were to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would simply tell myself that everything happens for a reason, and that the deeper the suffering and pain and hard work, the greater the happiness and love and reward. I would convince myself that life is a challenge made to teach us lessons that we are to carry with us for the rest of our lives. My senior self would need to understand that through every disappointment there is a special lesson waiting for us to absorb and emanate onto others. This lesson always has a positive outcome, but is usually masked with a darker appearance. I would ask my senior self to take a deep, humble, breath, and to embrace everything I come into contact with.
I would have signed up for college in the summer instead of waiting til Auguest to take classes.
To work harder in high school and take more advanced classes so that I could have gotten some scholarships and/or financial help, and so I could have been more prepared.
Brett, you have too much potential to let your schooling go to waist. You live in a land where there are so many opportunities out there, that you need to take every advantage that you can get. Starting with your education. So you need to start thinking about and working on what you will be when you graduate. What school are you going to go to? What career or career's are you interested in? What steps do you need to take in order to get to those goals eventually. This is not something that you should start to figur out years after you graduate. The faster you can make these important decisions, the more opportunities you will have to eventually get into the career field that you truly want to be in. So work hard, get good grades, and never stop asking questions that will lead you to where you want to be. So that, and you will be a happy person.