Hofstra University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Hofstra University accurate?




There are always activities going on, and there is just so much to do on campus. I find it a very useful and entertaining environment.


Most of them are


As far as my experience goes, not at all. Most of my interactions have been with other music majors, but almost everyone I have met has been smart, busy, hardworking, and interesting. If you can find your niche at Hofstra (and it's not too hard to do... the school isn't that big), you'll find some great people who know what they want out of life. The only people who really complain about the other students are those who seem to make a concious effort to be unhappy, though I suppose Long Island might take some getting used to if you're from out of state. As far as the STDs go, I have a boyfriend, so I really wouldn't know.


Hofstra is overpriced.


As with any community the stereotype is true to a degree. However this is not true to the extent of which this generalization has been made. Yes these type of people are represented at Hofstra, but I have found Hofstra to be extremely articulate, professional, and extremely diverse culturally as well and socially.


No, Hofstra is not as easy to get into. The classes are not all easy, many of the professors really challenge students. It seems like a lot of the school is from Long Island, but it is getting less and less. Many of my classes have less than 1/2 of the students from New York. If you want to party you can, but I have found plenty of people who dont


Definately not.


There are some students like this on campus, but there is also a large amount of normal every day, nice people


mostly yes, but there are some of us that work for a living :)