I have discovered how much a college education is needed to better my life. I was only planning on getting olny an Associates degree but I have realized that I want to get my Bacholors degree to further my education.
My college experience has made me learn a lot about my self. I have learned how to deal with life changes as they come. After living on my own for the first time and being somewhere that I didnt know a single person made me break my shyness barrier. I finally got comfortable at a school and suddenly I found out that I could no longer afford to go to that school and I was crushed. Having to up root my life twice made me realize that I am a strong person and that I cant let one thing ruine my life. I have moved on to a new school that im comfortable in and I think Im a better person for that. Going to college has taught me to have faith in myself and know that change is a big part of life and I know that had I have just staied home I would have never learned this about myself.
I have recieved aid to push me in the right direction for the major I want. I have found out that I want to major in iddle Eatsern Studies and minor in relgion and criminaolgy and delinquency. I ahve also learned how to teach myself to learn material and go toclasses becuase this information is for me to have a great future in the job I intend to have. Which is working in Home Land securitys and prior to that I want to be in the Army. Going to this institution has help me learn how to be more accomplished and know what I want and how to get it. I will let nothing stand in my way. I will get the major and two minors and become a officer in the Army and then work for Home Land security as a officer.
I've gotten so many things out of my college experience, and I still have more to learn. I've learned to the steps to become a Master Student. I've learned that I have many different ways in learning, I don't have to learn in just one way! I'm a Kinesthetic learner. I've learned more about my self here in college than i have any where else. I've gotten friends, gained responsibility, learned to accept my mistakes, I've learned to change whatever I'm not happy with during my college experience. Its been valuable to attend Hood College because this school teaches you discipline how to be determined and how to stay dedicated. College matures you as a person, when I first came to college I thought i could get away with everything by procrastination and still being able to manage my time as well as my friends. I was wrong high school don't prepare you for the freedom you have in college and how strict you have to be on yourself. College is where the winners make it or break it. College isn't a joke its responsibility!
Even though I am only a freshman, and I haven't been at college for a long duration of time, I have already experienced the unimaginable. So far I have realized how a college student must pursue the traits of independence, leadership, as well as perserverence.
I am an individual who values independence, and while I am at college no one else is going to diminish my goals and dreams. I strive for the best in everything I do. I also think it is great to have perserverence, this way one can make it through the tough times. My goal after college is to attend dental school and the begin my own dental practice. I know that I won't be capable of seizing my goal if I didn't pursue the right traits--independence, leadership, and perserverence.
College has been valuable to attend in various ways, one being the chance to make new acquaintences. Progressing in life without friends is like a newborn trying to crawl around to places. In either situation, the person isn't able to go anywhere. Friends are such an important factor for a successful life because it is those friends who lift your shoulders.
I am going for dental assistant at kaplan college. I feel that I,ve learned so much while attending. I never relized how important it is to take goog care of our oral hygene, perdontal disease can lead to heart disease and many other complications. I've learned the importance of teaching my twin daughters how to better brush and floss. I hope they will continue to see the benefits to having a healthy mouth. They are five years old and many of their friends already have had alot of dental work done on them. I try hard to limit the amount of candy and soda they drink. I preach moderation. Ohter things I have learned is discipline in studiing, I don't want to just pass, I want to excell.
The education program I am in is wonderful. I'm in my second semester here and I am at my 2nd internship. My next/last two semesters I will be teaching part time and then full time. Hood gives a lot to their students and i love how small the campus is and the character surrounding in Frederick. I've learned how to write lesson plans in every subject and how to give assessments. i feel i will walk away after graduation and be very well prepared for a teaching job, more than someone who went to another university, maybe a larger one. The teachers in the education department are helpful and knowledgeable. They really care for your success and you have the same 5-6 teachers throughout the program.
Before I attended Hood, I was not sure what I wanted to do in life. When I finally discovered my goal to become a Psychologist, I began searching for schools. Hood offered a different environment than the other schools in my area. My experience here has been heightened by its location in rural Maryland, the low student-teacher ratio, and the knowledgeable professors provided to us. I will be the first in my family to graduate from a four year institution and it has meant a lot to me that my school has been so supportive. More specifically, mid-way through my time at Hood I was in a bad financial state. I sat in the Financial Aid Office crying at the thought of having to put my graduation on hold until I earned enough money to pay for my final semesters. Then, like a superhero, the head of financial aid looked me in the eye and said "As long as you attend Hood, we will provide you with the financial means to continue on until you graduate." Those words changed my life, and so has Hood. My financial state has not improved much, but I will graduate nonetheless.
I have gained lifelong friendships and have learned so many social skills. I have come out of my shell here at Hood and am much more active around campus than I ever was in high school. I have always been the one to sit back and not be involved in school. Now, I am an executive member in two clubs, am very focused academically, and I have best friends who are more like family. The skills I have learned are helpful on and off campus. I have had many opportunities, whether it be working at the National Institute for Standards and Technology as a summer intern or being active in sharing my stories of Hood with incoming freshman as an orientation assistant. I love it here, and do not see myself attending any other college.