Out of my college experience I am learning to be a nurse. It has been stressful be worth it. It has been extremly expensive, but even with me having to get a student loan, it is still worth it. It has been valuable to attend because without attending I would not be able to become a nurse.
I graduated High School at 15. I graduated Cosmotology at 17. I am 19 and a single mother of 2. I am currently attending Everest College in Ft. Worth, Tx. I love the Medical Assitant program I am enrolled in. I plan to continue furthering my career in the Medical field to one day become a Pediactric Doctor. I want to support my sons and I without the help of the Government.
I have learned through this program this is what I want to do and to be self supportive.
What I have gotten out of my college experience is that it is rewarding to know that I can continue my education and still achieve my goals. It has been valuable for me to attend because I had such a bad experience at my previous college that I had pretty much given up on ever going back to school. With some thought and encouragement from my husband and other family members, I enrolled in a local college. Doing so has made me push past my limitations and has made me realize that there is more to the business world than working in retail and being unhappy for the rest of my life. The institution I have chosen offers online courses so that I can still work forty hours a week to help provide for my family. Now I feel like I am bettereing myself and setting a great example for my future children.
Not only have I gained valuable knowledge, but I have gained independence. I chose to go to a college that is a few hours away from my home. I have learned how to live on my own, do many things for myself, and be a stronger individual. I have also gained amazing friends who I love. The school has also provided me with great teacher relationships, the ablility to work in classrooms for my Education degree, and a strong sense of accomplishment in all that I do. I have to work hard to make good grades, but that means that I'm learning much more than I knew before. College has helped shape me into a better person.
I have learned that plans change when you least expect them, and to keep yourself open to new opprotunities and career paths. I have met professors whom I value their opinion and have sought advice from them for classes and future goals. The student body is difficult to get to know if you are not traditional aged and live off campus. The Education Department is very political and I would not recommend anyone attending Hood for that program.
I have learned that I need to stand up for myself and my dreams, to not let anyone belittle my achievements, and to push myself to higher goals and expectations.
My college experience has tought me to be independent without insisting to do everything on my own. I have learned how important relationships are and how having other people around to give feedback and to help you is a part of success. Each person that I have met at Hood College, including the students, have all gone out of their way to help me with any and every task that I needed assistance with. I have also learned that it is ok to be different. Once college came around, I saw a lot of my friends go in different directions. At a time when my friends were excited about going on their own, I only cared about furthering my education. I knew what I wanted but I had a hard time finding a school that fit me. I wanted to go to school with people that were in class because they wanted to learn. Not watching the clock waiting to get back to their dorm. I wanted professors that would push me to learn and do things I never thought I could do. I found that at Hood College.
I have learned more about life in a few months of college experience than I think I have in most of my K-12 education years. My college treats all students as responsible adults and expects performance, values, and attitude in return. The staff and faculty set a friendly interpersonal tone, and the student body embraces new members. The college is a microcosm of what I would like my entire life to be--morally, mentally, and physically. I have learned what it is like to really be a good student of subject matter and of life itself, and I have learned how integrity and ethics can make a big difference and be put into action, not merely mottos. I have learned what it takes to expand my mind and my horizons. I cherish my college experience and find myself wanting to return there whenever I'm away too long. The environment feels like the home I want to make for myself in this world. It's simultaneously comfortable and exciting, friendly and challenging. It's like a loose rope just waiting to be pulled. Or a lump of clay asking to be sculpted. How could anyone not love that?
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to buckle down and study hard. I would tell myself that the SAT's are important and to take them. I would tell myself that I do need to go to college and not to wait because the older you get, the harder it is to go back to school. I would tell myself that college life isn't as hard as some people make it out to be and that getting a higher education allows you to get a better paying job. I would tell myself that going to college creates so many opportunities for those who graduate and that most of the professors are very knowledgeable and willing to help you succeed in your career goals. I would tell myself that by going to college, you can make some new and lasting friendships and have some memorable experiences. And, if I could go back in time to my high school senior year, I would tell myself that it is only 4 years and that I would have the rest of my life to play after that.
If I could go back in time knowing what I know now about college, I would give myself the advice that I need to work much harder in college; therefore, I will need to study more and acquaint myself with those that are on my level. I would leave the friends that are keeping me from attaining the higher education that I need and familiarize myself with those that are on my level in my first year of college. I know that I would do much better than I am currently doing now, if I give myself the advice about being more independent in college.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior I would tell myself that it is time to get serious about school again. I would encourage myself to get into the habit of studying which is something I did not have to do in high school to get good grades. I would also tell myself to be prepared that professors are not going to constantly remind you when assignments are due. I would encourage myself not to get into the habit of missing classes because when you miss a lecture it's hard to understand the concepts you are learning. Lastly I would encourage myself not to get discouraged because with hardwork and dedication you can do anything you set your mind to!