I have gotten a strong education, played sports, and met some amazing people during my college experience. It has really helped me to excel when classes get tough and sports have worked me mentally and physically. I have learned the things I like and do not like. During the next few years over my college experience I hope to discover the true me and that would be the most valuable aspect I receive from my college education.
I have never been more enthusiastic about my future until I started college. The other students are so outspoken and eager to learn. I took a government class over the summer and everyone had so many opinions about politics. A countless number of classes were so interesting because the students' different opinions conflicted with each other which allowed everyone to engage in a good argument. Everyone in the class was a different age, from 18 to 55. I got to learn so much from people who are starting their lives, people who are at the peak of their lives, and people who have lived their lives. I was taught life lessons through my classmates's experiences, which is something I could not have learned in highschool. My college experience has given me new perspectives, new interests (Politics), and a stronger drive toward my future.
College has been the most valuable experience in my entire life. I wake up everyday to the sound of the most obnoxious alarm ever and my calendar goes off through out the day telling me all the meetings I have to attend, the deadlines for assignments, events occuring on campus. By the end of the day, I'm absolutely exhausted and it's just now time to study. But right before bed in that half awake/ half asleep stage, I get a great sense of accomplishment. Not only for the day or the week but for my life. I think about everything I did in a matter of 24 hours and I feel a sense of relief. Relief that everything I'm doing is paying off. That yesterdays meetings, assignments, events, they all added to today. Everything is just a step to the top. For once, I feel like I'm reaching my dreams. That not only will I graduate with a degree in Social Work but a sense of accomplishment that I didn't know was possible. So, even though the days are long and the work hard, I'm grateful for everyday I attend college.
I have been lucky to be able to attend this college because of the relationships I have made. Being an athelte, is has been a much easier transition from high school to college then I ever thought it would be. The relationship with the staff and faculty make it very easy to make connections, something I have done very well since being here. Hopefully, having Hood College on my resume allows me to acheive my goal in life, and I really do believe that it will.
I have learned alot from my college expirence. I have learned it is very important to know what you want a fight for it. It is alsow important to work hard and never give up no matter what stands in your way.
For the amount of time that I have attended college I have received a lot from my experience. I have learned to be more open with those around me and also to be open to new ideas and people. From an academic stand point I have learned a lot from the classes I have attended and am excited to further my education after I receive my bachelor's degree. College has been valuable to attend because it has opened my eyes to things that I did not know, not just academically, but socially. I have met students from other countries and learned about their lives in their native countries and have shared my own experiences with them. College has made me a better person because I feel more comfortable to be myself around new people and to engage in social activities that I previously would not have experienced.
I have learned how large of a work load i can handle which relates to real life stress. Being able to realize how much stress I can handle is extremely valuable to me because it helps me plan out other things that I do in my life.
Attending a community college before transferring to a four year university was a good choice for me. Many of my friends and acquaintances went straight to a four year university and regretted the decision. Although many would argue that a four year university offers a better overall education, I feel that it also comes with a large amount of pressure and confusion which results in a higher chance of failure or withdrawal. In my Community college I was given the flexibility to explore different classes and subjects without the pressures of deadlines or high class costs. I feel that my time in school has been rewarding in the way that I had the freedom to leisurely choose my area of study and complete my classes without the added stress that so many my age, in my same situation face.
By going away to college, I have gained independence and responsibillity for my life and for my education. College is not like high school in that you are not forced to attend and pass classes; a person's success is entirely dependent upon themselves. As such, college has taught me that education is what you make of it. You can choose to scrape by, only learning the minimum necessary to pass your classes, or alternately, you can choose to take advantage of the opportunity to learn as much as possible, with the end goal focused toward becoming the best that one can be. College has taught me that it is not the school or the teachers that are solely responsible for your education, that they are only the vehicles to get you there. College has taught me that I am responsible for my life, that I am responsible for my education; I have to make the choices. Most of all, my college experience has taught me that education is not merely a specific institution, nor a few years of your life, but a lifelong journey that continues to shape who you are and what you become.
I have only attended for a semester so far, considering that I have just turned 18 and graduated from my high school in the spring of 2010. However, this does not mean I have not already had a vast amount of gain from only a few months. I've learned to live with someone who I have never met and get along perfectly, reach out to others, and become more responsible as I now control everything in my life. For instance, I now have my own room, and am responsible for its upkeep as well as being compatible with my roommate. Also, I am in control of my time, and how I should put each minute that isnt in class to good use whether it is working, studying, or enjoying the college life. Overall, I feel as though I have reached the next step in life, and I am very confident as well as excited for it to progress throughout the years here at Hood.