Hood College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hood College know before they start?


I would not arrange or research colleges that only offer your "major". During my college search, I only looked at schools that offered an Enviormental Science Major with a concentration in Chemistry. That limited my search. Once arriving to Hood, my major changed to a Double major of Chem and Math, to a single Major of Math. My point is to not limit your choices based on offered majors, rather one should look for a great science department if you want to study science. The more broad and accepting you are in area of study, the more options you will have.


Make sure that your son/daughter applies for more than one college, to make sure that they always keep their options open. Once they start college, actually get out there and make an effort to get along with your fellow classmates, as they are the ones who will be enduring the same journey.


The first thing students should do is go on tours of different colleges and universities. If possible, they should try to attend a class or two. This gives them an idea of how classes are held. Next students should decide whether they function better in smaller or larger classrooms. Also the kind of faculty body needs to be looked at, whether they are PhDs or just completed their Masters or equivalent. The student and parents also need to look at the ethnicities of the different student bodies at the school, and then decide whether they are ok with people from different races, color, religion, etc. Also make wise decisions. Look at your current achievements, such as what your gpa is, what your sports achievements are etc and then decide which school is best for you and what is the likelihood of getting accepted. College is way harder than high school. You need to put in double the effort. Studying is actually what you need to just be better than the next person. Keep all the parties for the weekends and breaks. Make good friends. College is where you really get to know people. Most importantly, dont drink, dont do drugs.