Iowa State University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Iowa State University?


A great class to take is HDFS 276 with Erin Crawford. It's basically sex education, but she makes it fun and interesting. I'm an advertising major, so any classes with Jay Newell or Barbara Mack are also great. Class participation is often required for many classes once you get into the higher level classes. I think it's fun to relate some of my classes to my real life.


My professors know my name in some of my small classes. I would say in 4 semesters of being here only 3 professors have known my name and I have been in atleast 6 small sized classes.


Iowa state is a great place for an education. I have been very fortunate to get teachers who speak good English and are willing to teach but there have been a couple that aren't very good. I'm glad I go here. I sometimes think I take school more seriously than some but my major requirest that of me.


My favorite class is volleyball.. which really isn't a class.. I love it because it is a stress free class and I have had the opportunity to meet so many new people. The most unique class that I have taken is CI 201. I am not very good with technology and this class has shown me many different applications used on a Mac. I do wish that I would keep in touch with some of my professors. Especially with last semester, I wish I went in for help on things that I had no clue what I was doing. All in all, I think that Iowa State is a great college to receive an education, even in my major, elementary education.


Iowa State offers many different types of classes. Your first class of the day may only have 20 students where you are on a first name basis with your professor and the setting is very relaxed and easy to ask questions and have class discussions. Your next class may be in a lecture hall with 500 students and you may not ever know the person's name that sat next to you all semester.


All my professors now my name, and I have been to all of their office hours or recitations. I am in the offices or labs at least 3 times a week. Engineering is definitely focused on preparing for a job. ISU students are very smart and have interesting conversations.


All of my classes at the moment are large lectures so my teachers do not know my name. I don't study as much as I should but I still pull off pretty grades.


Like I said above, I love the Taekwondo and Hapkido classes I am taking this semester. Master Pak is the best kept secret at Iowa State. Not only do students learn new skills and how to protect themselves, we are learning the meaning of perseverance (very physically challenging!), respect (everyone is a "sir" or a "ma'am"), commitment (if you don't come to class, you aren't going to get better - we always encourage each other to stick with it), and self-control (you can't try your new moves on everyone you meet!). These classes are so much fun and a great change of pace from the normal biology or engineering or design classes you have to take every day! I am so glad I got the opportunity to experience something new during my time at Iowa State.


I feel like class participation is pretty high at Iowa State. Campus always seems to be full of students all day long.


some professors know my name, i love anthropology and hate biology. i feel biology is more indepth then needed right now. students study time varies, i usually do at least 5 hours for a test and then a couple hours on a normal week per class, some students participate and talk about class related stuff outside class. students do compare grades and try to be the best. im not sure what the most unique class ive taken is..probably anthropology. i am changing my major to food science and industry with a minor in hotel restaurant and industry management. i sometimes go to my professors office hours. i think the requirements are fitting. i think both, it makes it possible for a person to get a job...but also that learning is important in general.