Iowa State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Iowa State University?


I tell my friends about how my dorm room is so big. Compared to other dorm rooms that I've seen from other schools these rooms are nice and big. I like to tell them about how pretty the campus is; it's very scenic with even a river running through it. What makes me appreciate this campus even more is that it's a smoke free campus, so the smell of smoke doesn't take away from the beauty of the campus.


I brag about the people I have met when I tell my friends about my school. A lot of the people I have met at Iowa State are very friendly and are willing to help you if you have questions. The professors are very down to earth yet professional at the same time. The community advisors treat you like a friend instead of a hassle. This is why I brag about the people I have met. They have made a significant impact on my life.


How everything is close everything is in-relation to campus. Also the atheltics and fan support


I brag most about the diverse activities and clubs Iowa State has to offer. ISU has pretty much any club you can think of whether it's learning to snowboard or learning the strategic skills of chess. I was ecstatic when I found out ISU had a boxing club and was happy I could continue training. I also signed up for the rugby club, which I could say I was hesitant at first, but I've enjoyed it so far. So, when talking to my friends about ISU, I brag about the numerous and diverse clubs ISU offers.


Research opportunities for students, excellent public transportation, interesting upper level classes available


the awesome design program that im in, and what im doing in the classes inside the college of design.


I like to brag that ISU presents many options to students. Clubs and organizations abound to help you get to know yourself and others better. When coming from a very small town, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the number of students on campus. However, once you get into your academic career you see people you know frequently. In fact, it is hard to walk across campus without saying hi to at least ten people during the fifteen minute walk.


This school has something for everyone. The social scene is excellent, everyone seems to get along, the greek community is strong and acive on campus, classes are challenging without being impossible, and the campus is beautiful. The town of Ames is an ideal college town, with a nice campustown, a good selection of restaurants and bars, and has a true community feel.


I always talk about how much school spirit there is here. Iowa State Students have great school spirit. We love our sports teams, and gamedays in Ames are amazing. Out in the community when I'm working, I tell people I go to Iowa State, and its a great conversation starter. This town is very accomodating to the students here. I grew up in Ames, but being at Iowa State makes me look at the town in a whole new way.


The awesome friends that I have to hang out with.