Iowa State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


It has so many opportunities as far as extra help for your classes. The teachers are really good and there are free tutors which help students in difficult classes. Additionally, it is one of the top universities for research.


The best thing about Iowa State University, is that the school feels like one big community. Everybody is friendly and helpful. The professors, staff, and faculty are a huge asset to the college. I could not have choosen a better college to be at if I tried!


I think that the best thing about Iowa State is its beautiful campus: Its architecture, its flowers, lawns, and trees. Iowa State is a land-grant campus so the buildings are spaced out nicely and has a lot of space for trees and grass.


The best thing about Iowa State University is the small town atmosphere on the campus. The campus is very centralized, and one can cross the campus and get anywhere on campus in under twenty minutes. Most of the students are from small town Iowa like myself, so people are generally very polite to one another and treat strangers with respect. I think it is an abolutely great quality that is rare to find at other universities across the nation.


I think that the variety of clubs and activities on our campus is what makes it great. There are over 800 clubs and organizations meaning there is something for everyone.


The best thing about my school is that we have some amazing professors. For going to a very large college I always feel I know my professors very well and can understand what they are teaching me. Iowa State also is a very close knit school, I feel very welcome in all the clubs and activities here.


One of the best things about my school is the atmosphere. It is a beautiful campus that has a plethora of opportunities for you to involve yourself in. I like that in each course I have been enrolled in so far, there is always opportunities for extra help or extra learning. There are over 300 clubs that you could join at ISU to broaden your experience. I also love this specific school because it is close to home. Going to Iowa State has provided a challenging learning experience which will expand my knowledge for the future.


I consider the campus the best thing about my school because the scenery and layout. It is laid out in such a way that it doesn't feel near as big as it actually is.


I consinder that the best thing about my school is the diversity in people, majors, clubs, etc. There's always something new to do and get involved in based on what you like to do.


There are so many opportunties here. There are study abraod programs fro everyone, clubs for every type of interester, and so many activites to get involved in. There is no limit here at Iowa State University!