Everything about K-State is something that I enjoy being a part of. We have so many opportunities for students to develop their future goals and aspirations, but know how to create a fun and inviting atmosphere that is contagious to our students. Professors have the drive to want students to succeed, classes are enjoyable, and student life activities are endless. Student organizations help us meet new people and have a sense of belonging on campus. There is always something for the students to do, either on or off campus, and the experiences and friends you make while at K-State are priceless and last a lifetime.
While K-State has many outstanding aspects that make it a great University the overwhelming response from students I've talked to as to why they chose K-State over another school is the friendly, family atmosphere. K-State has a small town college feel on a large University scale; with over 23,500 students it's big enough to find whatever you're looking for but small enough to walk from one side of campus to the other in 10 minutes. Despite the minor disputes of EMAW/EPAW or whether or not Ekocat was a good choice the general demeanor of students is welcoming.
THe best part of K-State is how friendly everyone is. The faculty are more than willing to help you with about anything. I was really worried about not being able to keep up with some of the classes, but I found out that the teachers, grad students, and recitation instructors are there to help. There's also a million study and free tutoring opportunities. I spend a lot of my time in Hale library (I'm in engineering) and a lot on the practice field. I was in marching band during the fall and had a blast!! It helped me connect with upperclassmen and to really see all the school pride from the president on down to the youngest freshman.
The size of K-state if perfect. The student body is large but the campus is big enough to accomodate everyone but not so large that you can't walk to every class. No other school I've visited can compare when it comes to school spirit. On game days the campus is completely purple and the streets leading up to the stadium transforms into a sea of purple pride. While the town of Manhattan is not outstanding, the school makes up for it in every way. The student body is very close for it being so large. It's not unusual at all to pass by and have a conversation with the student body president, one other the football or basketball players, or even the dean.
K-state is the best school to go to if you're wanting to be accepted for who you are and live in a "chill" and friendly atmosphere. One thing i love...no on judges you. I spent most of my time on campus with my friends where ever we happened to be. We love the library, the Union to eat and see lots of people you know and in each others dorm roms. Manhattan is my "home" and when I went home home for breaks... I missed Manhattan more and more! I can definately say... I have met my lifetime friends, the girls who willl be my bridesmaid and possibly my future husband! The Greek life is AWESOME!! Meeting such amazing people makes it that much harder to go home for summer or winter break and being away from them for more than a few days! I count down the days until school starts!
At K-State you'd learn all you need with access to great resources but you will also write up some of the best years of your lfe. I can confidently say this because I spend all semester without seeing any of my family members and lifetime friends but I still feel I'm right where I should be and feel at home while I'm at it.
My most memorable experience is the toronado that hit 7/11/08. The toronado caused a lot of damage to Manhattan including the campus, but the community is pulling together to help each other. The fact that the people here are so kind and giving really left an impression.
People don't give K-state enough credit, especially when comparing it to KU. It's a lot of fun and there is a lot to do and get involved in. It is a really fun college town.
K-State had the most welcoming environment that I have ever seen. I could walk through campus and make 20 new friends, every single day. Although the school is rather large, the class sizes are not that big. My largest class only had 500 students, and that was in a very general math class. Also K-State has more pride for the students, the faculty, and the school as a whole that I have ever witnessed. The Greek system at K-State is one of the strongest in the nation, and on campus living creates an environment that is unparalleled.
The best thing about K-State has got to be the people. Some of the nicest people I have ever met are people I met at K-State. Its just a friendly, comfortable environment.
I would have to say that Manhattan is the epitome of a college town. Everyone that lives here eats, sleeps, and breathes K-State sports. I have never seen so much purple in my entire life! Its really great to be surrounded by so much school spirit and so many other people who love the school as much as you do.
One experience I will always remember happened before I even attended K-State. I was there for my orientation and enrollment, and Dean Bosco was giving a speech. He is the reason I came to K-State in the first place! He loves this school with all his heart and he will tell you everything you would want to know. I wanted to come here because I wanted to love my school as much as Dean Bosco did, he is so inspirational. I couldn't wait to be a wildcat after hearing him speak.