My favorite thing about K-State is that everyone is so friendly and welcoming. I remember when I visited the school for the first time that everyone was smiling and saying hi to each other. Now as I walk through campus I cannot make it to a class without seeing someone I know and stopping to chat. I absolutley love this aspect of the school because although it is a large university it still has a small town feel to it.
I feel that k-state can feel as big or as small as you'd like it to. It was just the right fit for me. The town of Manhattan is big enough to carry the essentials but you can drive from one end of town to the other in about 10 minutes max. This is great with rising gas prices, and you can walk anywhere on campus, they say everything is a ten minute walk or less and thats been true so far for me.
The students are my favorite part of K-State. All are welcoming, and fun to be around. They are diverse, and bring with them different groups to belong to. The town itself is very open armed to K-State students. They do a lot for the community, and the community does a lot in return.
I think the best thing about K-State is the people and the atmosphere. It just feels like a big community and people make friends quickly all the time just because it is such an open and friendly atmosphere. I would only change maybe the speed limit going down Claflin...20 mph in the middle of the day kinda sucks sometimes. I also feel like K-State is just the right size because it's big enough to have alot of options on people to hang out with and things to do, but it's not so big that you get lost in the huge crowd of people and don't feel connected.
The campus is well laid out, and people are generally friendly. The buildings are sometimes old, but renovations to the interior bely the beautiful exterior that many hold. The town can seem small, but there is everything a college student needs to survive. Students hold lots of pride in K-State, and Aggieville is fun from Thursday to Sunday.
Kansas State is just that Kansas State. It is an amazing school that cares about the students. The students who attend Kansas State have a large amount of Student Pride. On football weekends you will find a large majority of the student body over at the football stadium tailgating waiting for that weekends game to begin and just enjoying time with their friends. During basketball season students will line up hours before the games begin to get courtside seats to cheer their mighty wildcats on.
Our students have also started their own scholarship fund called Kansas State Proud which includes scholarships available for the students funded by the students.
Our administration tries really hard and our current president has really turned the school around from what it was in the past to a thriving college campus. They try to provide us with the best oppertunities possible including guest speakers coming to campus who we would not get to hear and or meet otherwise. Recent speakers include President George W. Bush, and past President Bill Clinton.
As far as places to hang out on campus we have the Student Union which is like any other college union has food, games, and fun. We also have the Library which is huge and a great place to meet up for group projects and or study for tests. The Library even has a coffee shop available so you don't need to leave for those late night coffee breaks.
Dorm life for the incoming students is always fun. The Resident Assisstants try their hardest to get new students plugged in and involved with welcome back events and floor meetings and compititions. It is always nice on those early mornings not having to worry about cooking also with the cafeteria just a hallway away from the dorms, and right on the way to class.
I had alot of trouble with K-State's administrative offices. They are very disorganized, and although teachers are very apt to help you out and treat you as an individual, the offices treat you as a random number. They're very excited to see you come there, but once you're there and they take your money, they treat you as a number.
For me the best thing about KSU is the interaction I have with other people. The relationships I have formed through involvement in groups and organizations at Kansas State are unlike anything I've ever experienced.
I really like K-State. Most of my friends are from small towns or the country. I just love the environment here. I from a small town as well and K-State has somewhat of a small town feel to it. There's a whole lot of student pride. Everybody I know who goes to K-State, including myself, loves it. I do wish that the University would not do as much as possible to make a quick buck. So many things that the students end up paying for are things the students do not want or do not think are necessary.
This school needs a bus that goes around the whole city, not just from parking lot to parking lot. I spend all of my time on campus in the engineering complex. When I tell people that I go to K-State they ask if there are any black people here.