The College of Agriculture advisors really take time to see every student and making sure they are on track in their college schedule. There is also lots of school pride at K-State, many students attend every game and cheer heartily for our team.
K-State is home. It feels small, the campus is beautiful, and the people are some of the nicest in the world. During the school year, the student body represents something close to half of Manhattan's population, so there's always people to meet.
The best thing about K-state, i think, is the big campus in a small town. The community is really centered around the campus and you feel welcomed and at home anywhere in manhattan.
I love K-State, hands down. It has a sense of community, pride and a huge amount of school spirit over all. When you go to a football game, you can just feel the excitement and joy within each and every student who comes to support their team, even after our throats turn sore and our feet can't stand anymore! Not only that, but the most wonderful thing about our campus is the care and compassion for not just the people living in Manhattan but all around the world. There is not a day that goes by without me seeing some sort of message supporting cancer research or to buy jewelry in order to help women in Uganda. Over all, there's just so many giving and wonderful people at KSU that make it an awesome place to be.
The best thing about K-State is by far the sense of community. Everyone is usually friendly on campus and the sporting events are great- especially basketball, volleyball, and football. The purple pride really shows. Manhattan is a great town and very friendly towards the students. The administration is great at K-State- they really care about us! Kids complain a lot about being bored, but I think that is crap because there is always a ton of stuff to do if you are willing to try new things.
Manhattan is a horrible town. If you aren't into the bar scene there's nothing to do and no place to meet people besides the school itself. Plus it's an army town, enough said there... There are no good restaurants and even IHOP that SHOULD be 24hrs isn't.
The pre-vet program is nothing but a joke now. It's all about agriculture and no longer does anyone bother telling incoming freshman to think for themselves and choose a different background major. That'll be a laugh when they graduate and can't find a job because they didn't get into vet school. If you tell anyone in Kansas you go to KSU it's going to be one of two reactions. They love the school or they hate it. There aren't many people who choose neither faction. Despite all that we are STILL better than KU. Our mascot and colors are better by far and the students aren't as spoiled rotten. I don't care about football so that's not even factored into the equation. In the years I attended I certainly could have done without the pro-life rally every year and the year that the police showed up to wash the "Legalize Marijuana" off the sidewalk was utterly ridiculous! That's a Kansas problem though...
When you come to K-State you will never want to leave! It is a big college town, and everything revolves around the athletics at K-State!!! Tailgating is a must and you will miss football season once it is gone. Most of the time spent on campus is in the student union people watching and grabbing something to eat. The administration at K-State in all is pretty good, just ask fellow students about what classes to take and who to stay away from. The most recent controversy on campus is over the parking garage, the students don't want it and the faculty does. School pride is huge...once you get here you will bleed purple! K-State maybe be in the middle of nowhere, but we have 2 big lakes nearby, a big water crossing, lots of apartment pools and hot tubs, and tons of parties!! It is a pretty big party town, everynight of the week there are parties, and the bars in Aggieville are always going strong. There is always something to do and lots of people coming up with new things to try and new places to go! The #1 thing I would recommened is to GET INVOLVED!!! You will end up meeting so many people and those people will change eveything! GO STATE!
I come from a very small town (there were 40 in my graduating class), but I don't ever remember feeling lost or insignificant. The people here are so nice and it was really easy to get plugged into activities and to make friends. I definitely recommend living in the residence halls.
Manhattan is very much a college town, but the community has many things to offer as well. There are many organizations outside of the campus to get involved with and the surrounding area boasts some great recreational space to get away from college life when you need to. I love the locally owned shops and the many coffee shops around town each have a different atmosphere and cater to college students' need for caffeine and study space.
I think the size of KSU is perfect! The campus is not too small but not too large and it's just far enough from home to really feel like you are at college. Aggieville is always a wonderful attraction and make sure you get football tickets. Football is HUGE at K-state and you may feel left out on game day if you don't have tickets!
KSU is a big school, with a beautiful campus. The town is the perfect size, with very low crime and lots of student housing around campus. There are alot of special interest groups and acedemic clubs.