Work hard in all your classes and make sure you care about your GPA. Learn all you can from your classes and don't just memorize the material for the test. Find a club or organization that truly meets your needs and make friends for life. Don't date your freshman year, it won't end well. Know your worth and how beautiful and smart you are. That will draw people to you who can help you and it will help you make good friends for life. Talk to your advisor often, and find out what is really the best major for you so you don't have to switch and spend an extra year in school. Stay on top of exercising because you will need to be fit in order to not miss work for being ill. Fall in love with saving your money. Lastly, aim high in everything you do and trust God through all of it becasue he can help you achieve everything else and more. Keep him first in order to excel in college and life.
Going back as a high school senio,r my tips for survial of college would be as follwed: Time management is top priority and one of the keys to success in college. As we age from seniors in high schools into maturing young adults, we are faced with more responsibility; time management being one of them. It would be taught that I would have to be more prompt and manage my time effectively because in college you are accountable for youself no excuses. I would also teach myself to be more social and to get more involved. An important part of college is networking, not only do you gain more awarness about your community and social issues around you, you also get a chance to broden your horizions while potentially making life long friendships. If anything one of the most important lessons I would always remeber to keep in mind is that it's a privilege to go to college. I am blessed to have the opportunity to attend such an illustrious school. I would teach myself to get the most out of my education because I am paying for it. Therefore, time wasted is time not being well spent.
If I had the chance to talk to high school me, I would have alot to say. I would advise myself to take the first year of college seriously and that will set the tone for the rest of your college career. Spend more time in your dorm being productive and doing work as opposed to being out and about with your friends. School should be a priority and you area a smart girl. Apply yourself and will do amazingly. If I had known back then what I know now, who knows where I would be. I wish the best for you and want you to succeed more than anything in this world. Don't give up.
There are a few things I wish I had known before I started college. Some things I would go back and change but others I wouldn't just because they have helped make me the person I am today. Here are just a few words of advise from one student to another.
1. The transition is not as hard as it seems. Yes moving away from your friends and family is tough but it is all worth it. You make some great, long-lasting friends at college.
2. At the beginning of each semester, start off strong. That first grade will be a predictor for the rest.
3. Take time to rest and enjoy college. It seems like everyone says this but once you start, it is very easy to get caught up in the hussle and bussle of college life. Go out with friends, go to sporting events, join an extracurricular. Find something that is your way to relax. Trust me, your going to need relaxation strategies.
4. If you are one of those lucky people that know what they want to do in life before they hit college, use that to your advantage. Find your niche and strive.
Oh past me, please try not to be so dumb! You are going to make mistakes regardless of what advice I give you/myself but just know that you need to stay positive through anything that happens in your life and it's gonna get tough in the next few years. You're going to lose friends you never imagined you could live without but you're also going to gain friends that are even better in their own ways. It'll be hard transitioning into college, of course it is a lot of fun too but try not to lose who you are just because you are trying to reinvent yourself. You can't just create yourself, theres no machine to click and drag the qualities you want into a person and BAM there it is! It's the choices you make and how you treat your friends, family, and even people you dont know; that is how you create yourself as a person! As for grades, get your butt in gear first semester! Your classes are easy compared to what you're going to take later on, so please help out OUR GPA!
If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself to get a job. Save my money, and be smart with it. I have never been a big spender, but I decided to move out of my parent's house soon after starting college. I only wish that I had saved up more money before doing this, so that I would be able to focus more on my studies. Now I am having a hard time balancing work, school, and play (of which there is very little). I would also tell myself to apply to more scholarships! I waited until after I had run out of money to start applying to scholarships, and that was the biggest mistake. I do recieve HOPE, which is a huge help, but it is not enough. Especially now that I have been accepted to a study abroad program to Benin, Africa. I am currently making payments for this, and am more excited about it than words can express. The only thing that can dampen this once in a lifetime opportunity is to be worrying about money the entire time I am over there.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college life, I would tell myself not to let the cost of college scare me and let that prohibit myself from choosing not to attend college right out of high school. I come from a middle class white family. According to FASFA, my father makes enough money to send me to college without the help of financial aid. However, this is not the case. After applying to colleges my senior year and getting accepted, I was faced with the harsh reality that I was not going to be able to afford college. I took a year off after high school to work and support myself. After that year I attended Cosmetology school, which I paid for on my own working multiple jobs. I now attend community college full-time, paying for everything on my own while working two jobs. I would tell myself as a senior that paying for your own college education is possible as long as you work hard and believe in yourself.
You will be the first in your family to finish college. Your parents will be proud of you regardless of what you choose to study. They will be waiting for you with open arms after the graudation ceremony so do not worry about whether you are making the right choice or if they will be displeased with you about your major. They want to see you happy even if it means you will not be making millions of dollars. Money is not everything so study for exam and say no to that extra shift at the restaurant. College is about finding yourself do not assume you already know who you are because there is still room for growth. Remember that when people stop growing their soul starts to die. Please for your own sake become a better procrastinator if the assignment is due on Thursday mark it as due on Monday. Do not say no to any opportunities that come your way. Yes will take you toChina, Equatorial Guinea, New York, and Washington DC for free. My only regret is not having said yes to more things. Lastly, have more fun in the library you will miss it later.
I would tell myself that it's ok if you feel overwhelmed the first couple of days. The standards in a university are elevated and professors expect much more from their students. Time management is essential and a critical component of being a good student. I'd also tell myself to establish relationships with my professors because they can provide me with the recommendations and future opportunities to help with graduate school applications as well as on-campus opportunities as well.
People say that the four years you spend in highschool are going to be the best four years of your life, but for you that isn't the case. In highschool, adults make all of the decisions in your life and little to no choices are left up to you. In college you'll get to make all of the decisions for yourself, and also discover why being an adult is so hard. Everything you do or say will have consequences and there won't be anyone you can expect to pick up the peices for you. That isn't always a bad thing though. Sometimes the way you handle yourself in those situations help to mold you into the awesome person you are now! Be prepared to take a stand for what you beilieve in and know that everyone else here is trying to do the same. Be understanding with other peoples beliefs and opinions and know that this is all part of the college experience that will make you, not only a better person, but a more worldly person. Take advantage of all this newfound responsibility and have fun with the REAL best four years of your life.