Kennesaw State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kennesaw State University know before they start?


Looking back I would tell myself to hit the books instead of worrying about what color prom dress I should get or what blush looks best on my skin tone. I would say "Tiffany you should apply for some scholarships", it would have been a lot easier I had done that. I can't regret what I did do or didn't do in the past all of this has been a learning experience and my educational journey has just begun.


If I could go back and talk to myself about college, I would remind myself that I had way more options that I thought. I would've persued other colleges in and out of the area. I would've probably done a bit more of college visits. I would tell myself to never limit what can be, to look around and never settle. Most importantly, I would've started a more extrict studying ethic.


Theresa, I know this letter may seem unrealistic, but this is yourself from the future. I hope that you can take this letter seriously, because it involves some advice that can ensure you a smoother ride in college. When you apply to college, take into account whether you want to stay living at home or not. I would recommend that you stay home, because it will save you thousands of dollars. Study much harder for the SAT's, and take them as many times as you can. Advertising is not what you want to do. Save your money for certification classes and tests or else you will be applying for additional loans (you do not want that). Do not register for 8am or saturday classes unless you have to. Do not take a science class or rather two sciences classes in a summer or mini semester. is your best friend, some professors will effect your grade so choose wisely. The little things add up, like homework, attendance, and quiz grades. Make sure that you are not avoiding a homework, just because you don't feel like it. Take hand written notes to stay awake in class. Your welcome.


I would tell myself to not be afraid to ask for help when i need it. College is not going to be easy so i should get all the help from my professors and tutors. I should try to make new friends and get out of my comfort zone, college is the best place to make friends and expand my social life. Lastly, I would encourage myself to join clubs not only to add variety to my resume but to make a lasting impression on people. I would join clubs that help the community and those that are struggling to get by.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would stress to myself to go into college with an open mind and to get involved as much as possible. Experiencing new things will be the key to my success in school, and I should take advantage of this opportunity because this will be the most eye-opening adventure I will ever get the chance to explore.


Search for clubs and honors societies! I had no idea until very recently that there are so many of them, and now it's too late for me to join some of them, which is really disappointing. Even if you're not interested in getting involved with anything, I still urge you to take a look at all of them, since one day you may decide you do want to become more involved.


Get some advice and counseling on financial aid and taking tests for credits rather than taking the class. You aced algebra in high school; you could probably exempt that class with a test. Don't get discouraged by "things," because this will only take four years if you just focus. That low-paying job you have might seem like all you'll ever need, but in the future, the four-year degree is going to be essential. Unless you always want to have little to nothing besides time, just stick with it!


I transferred to my alma mater after having completed two years at my local university in which I played NCAA basketball. The transition was a very emotionally dynamic time in my life. I would tell my high school self the following: "I understand you have athletic aspirations. Your focus is commendable, but I encourage you to soak up the little lessons that sport can teach, so that, in the event that your plans are cut short, the 5 am workouts, the 2-a-day practices, the in-your-face coaches, and the competitive teammates, all prepared you to grind through engineering school's workload, to not feel intimidated by demanding bosses, and to effectively manage colorful personalities in team settings. Having said this, volunteer a little, date a little, party a little, and when you're 21, drink a little. Your current goal oriented mentality will get you where you want, but be multidimensional incase life throws you a curveball. And wash your dishes after every meal. Those things pile up exponentially! Tell your roommates!"


"Lonny, I would advise you to further your education as quickly as possible. In the current economy, education is everything. The doors are open to those who have a degree or technical degree. Besides, if you wait, the tuition costs are only going to go up along with the cost of living. On top of that, you can also better achieve your dreams with a greater education. "I admonish you to be involved in your local communities and to seek out adventure. Take risks and try things that scare you, because you may find you enjoy them. Your community is your 'extended family'. If you create fellowships with your neighbors, you can create bonds that will follow you throughout your life. "Lonny, you need to work out while you're in school, because that 'freshman 15' is only the start. Be active. Seek out every activity that college offers and be involved. Get the most out of college. These years can be the years that define what you become in the future. Spend your days wisely and work hard."


Lindsey, Please, listen when I tell you that school is about more than your GPA. Although you strive to do well, it is also about the learning experiences outside of a classroom. You'll be surprised to see how much more you will get out of college than just a college degree. You will find who you are, who you aim to be in the future and numerous life lessons and memories along the way. Your education can be more than keeping your nose in a textbook. There are clubs, community services to get involed in and so much more. You have to be open to everything thrown your way, but keep in mind that you must stay focused too! You have goals and you're already headed in the right direction. You're employed by a dealership who is more than interested in keeping you for a very long time. They are pushing programs your way in order to train you and get you right into a management position! Everything is going to work out for you! Have fun with your education but stay focused and you will reach a great position in the business field! Good luck!