I would tell myself to attend Kennesaw State University. While it does have its flaws in being a less traditional school, that very flaw is also a strength. Kennesaw State University has expanded so much just during the 2.5 years that I have been here. To be able to walk to class everyday and see new university buildings springing up and the student population growing every semester is just amazing. With the increased student population becomes the opportunity to meet more great people, and to become exposed to different ideas, thoughts, and friendships that may aid me to propel myself further not only in my studies, but also into my social life and my career.
I am currently a senior, but I am also dual-enrolled with Kennesaw State University, so I certainly have a unique outlook on this question. I would first tell myself to learn how to read a map- this information is invaluable when you think you're completely lost and it turns out you're right in front of the building you're supposed to be in! I'd also tell myself to make sure I keep up with studying, as it absolutely does tend to pile up and it's impossible to get all of your studying done the week before the final exam. I learned this the hard way and I'd definitely try to avoid it if I could do it all over again. It's easier to make the transition if you dual-enroll first, especially with Kennesaw, as it really helps ease into the college experience instead of having it all thrown in your face all at one time. One final piece of advice: don't be afraid of the college food! It's actually quite delicious!
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I'd tell myself a lot of things. I'd tell myself to plan ahead, to know exactly what I want before I choose my college, to seriously think about what I want to study when I get there, and to know what I need to do in order to graduate. I'd tell myself to get help with my long term goals as soon as possible. I'd tell myself to use my senior year to its fullest as a resource to aid on the path to success. I'd tell myself to enjoy it and college as much as I could.
College is not for everyone. The immature may go there simply to hang out and have a great time. For some it's preparation for a career. Others use it find out what they want to do. There is no right answer. You must decide what you want get from life. But the facts remain; college costs real money and real time. Don't waste it on small things you'll regret. Start living your life the way you want to with or without college. Whatever role college plays for you it is only that---a role. Make the best of it, pick challenging classes, do what interests you, be with people who will help you become the person you want to be. College is a great place to grow as a person and everyone has room to grow.
If i was to go back in time the only thing i would change is that I would have pushed myself to be in a higher math class. Other than that I cannot think of anything that I coud say now that would be different than what I thought then. I knew that the transition would be difficult at first, but as long as I worked hard I could do it. Even in high school I worked hard because I knew I would have to get a scholarship because of my parents financial situation. It was not an option for me to slack off. I also knew being accepted to KSU would mean that I would have more challenges than going to a community college. For example, it has harder classes, its more expensive, and has more people there.
If I could talk to the young unexperienced me there would be so much I would tell myself. The first thing I would tell myself is to choose your univeristy wisely, do not get ahead of yourself and choose a big name university unless your ready. I would tell myself to start off small and end big because it is not about where you start but about where you finish. Another big thing I would tell myself it to listen to the people around me and take there advice or at least keep it in mind bcause they are most likely correct and know exactly what you are going to go through. One of the biggest things I would tell myself is to not change who you are to fit in or make friends. Be yourself, do your own thing, and make yourself prosperous because this it the time in your life when it is all about you and making yourself the best you can be. Stay true to God and stay true to yourself and you will make it far.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time I would let myself know that school is a little more important than I thought. I would tell myself to spend a little less time skateboarding and invest a little bit more time studying. If I ended high school with a higher GPA then I would have saved a couple thousand dollars. I would tell myself to get myself on a regular schedule to keep everything up to date and less stressful. I had zero help from my parents with signing up for college, this is one reason why I did not seem to care about High School. I would also go back in time and tell myself although my parents did not help me finically or with the process, they still do love me, just consider it tough love. Explaining to my past would help me realize that being lazy will not get you anywhere, it will only keep you back from getting what you really want.
I would give myself the advice to face things as they come to you and to concentrate solely on the present. In high school especially my senior year it was always what was next and what I could look forward to in the near future for me. By not living in the moment and really concentrating on what was happening right then at that point in time I sadly missed out on many great experiences that would have been much more meaningful if I had just taken the time to sit back and take it all in. High school is everything that you make it. You can make high school filled with as many life changing and meaningful experiences as you like but if you fail to recognize what you are doing and just what it truly means to you then over time you realize just how much of the pleasure was lost in translation. For me I wish I could go back and give myself four simple words of wisdom: live in the moment.
If I could tell my high school senion self something it would be go to college right after high school. Waiting isn't the best choice. I have now waited 6 years to return to school and it has been a hard transition.
I would tell myself to not stress out so much about tests and don't worry about fitting in. You are smart and attractive and people will like you. Just be yourself.