Kennesaw State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kennesaw State University know before they start?


Do plenty of research on the area and visit the campus several times


I would suggest to first visit and ask around and talk to the students who have been going their already. I would definetely give great advice to anyone who has any questions about my university. I would also recommend asking students who are actually involved on campus.


This college is an excellent choice for students who are dedicated to sticking to one major or even students who are unsure of what they wish to do. It is a great school for anyone who wishes to help themselves grow and change in the right direction.


I would advise students to visit many campuses before they make a final decision. College students spend a lot of time on campus and it is important to be comfortable there. I would also suggest that students observe, if possible, some classes at the colleges they are considering. Potential students should also try to talk with current students about their experience at the school to get candid opinions. Picking a college is a very important step toward higher education and if potential students have an idea of what they want to major in, they should certainly take that in to consideration when evaluating schools.


You need to think about the location of the college first, and then the size of the population of the college. Then you need to visit it when class is in session so you can see how people act at the college.


To choose the right school, go with your gut feeling. Visit the school and see where you feel instantly at home, afterall this place WILL be your second home for the next 4 years (at least). Pay attention to class sizes; if you know you won't be comfortable in a large class setting, don't choose a school where most of the classes are 100+ people. If you're going to live on campus make sure you check out the dorms before you sign up. To make the most of the college experience, get involved at your school. Join an organization and if there's nothing there you find appealing, start something yourself, bring a new organization to campus. Whatever you do, don't just sit on the sidelines the next four years. Get involved and have fun. College is about so much more than just getting that degree.


Know exactly what he or she is looking for in a college. It is important to pay attention to the following: professors, tutoring programs, financial aid, and social activities. If the professors care about the students success, then success is very likely. When the professor fails to help the student, tutoring programs often come to save the day. Schools can vary in the cost of tuition, so figure out how much your willing to spend. However, you can never put a cost on a quality education. Make sure you look for every financial aid possibility, and there are many to choose from. Last but not least, look for the available social activities at each school. I personally, have been extensively involved in the one at my school and would find it hard to stay in school without it.


Do a lot of research, take a tour of the school, and go where you feel most comfortable.


I would tell students and parents who are choosing to find the right college and experience to first take a tour or attend an orientation program. This allows students and parents to experience and get a feel for what the college or university will offer. Some schools, during orientations, will have greek life, social clubs, and other programs out and around showing and telling you what you can experience by attending that certain school. Also, I would advise students and parents to attent a school that is affordable to your financial situation. Choose a school that you feel you can get what you pay for plus more. Be encouraging to yourself and your children when touring or attending orientations. Support from your family and friends definitely goes a long way in choosing what schoo will be the right fit for you.


Keeping in mind that each student has different needs, expectations, and desire for different experiences, must be taken into consideration in the decision making process. Therefore my advice to parents is to stay focused on the outcome for the student. Keeping the end in mind is pivotal when deciding on a school, graduating. This is only a chapter in their life that sets them up for the next milestone. One factor to take into consideration is how the school helps with the transition from living at home to living away. A second factor that is critical to consider is does the school offer the services the student needs to achieve their academic goal. The third factor I would advise parents to consider is the experiences the student wants, because this can help determine the size of the university, the social atmosphere of the university, and other important elements that create the overall experience. Finally, it is relevant to have a basic understanding of the student?s goals for the future. Does the university provide the degree the student desires? Parents can take the unknown out of college. One way to do this is visit colleges and attend activates at colleges.