Kennesaw State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kennesaw State University know before they start?


I would strongly advise myself to be more active in the community and stress the importance of academic integrity and success.


Take freshman year seriously. Go to class even if it?s not required for the course and don?t procrastinate on research papers. The first year of college may seem like a bunch of useless classes (even if many of them are. KSU 1101? Absolutely worthless, even for Freshman) but they are not. The first year of college is a valuable year of GPA boosting classes that are easy to pass if you go to class and pay attention. You may think, now that you are in college, that you are a ?grown up?. Don?t kid yourself (no pun intended) but you are still a child and you need to act like your parents are still looking over your shoulder every step of the way. A few words of advice, good luck.


Study harder and pay more attention to detail in class!


I would change a lot of things about my school work and focus in high school to better equip myself for college. First, I would save money so I could prepare myself for the financial toll that the unversity process takes. Housing, required meal plan, gas, books, and tuition add up over time. It is very diffucult to try to work enough hours to pay for necessities and get all of your school work done. Second, I would practice better study habits during my high school year so I would know how to retain all the information given by each class to be confident once tests arrive. Lastly, I would be more envolved with my school more. I partcipated in sports a lot but I wish I would have been more active in other aspects so when I got into college I would have a drive to continue in these activities. In conclusion I would have better money management skills, study skills, and school participation so that my transition into college would be a more wholesome experience.


If I had a chance to go back and speak to my senior-self I would stress the importance of planning ahead and time-management. Since I waited to start college a few years after I graduated, I may encounter inconveniences in the near-future. I would also tell my former self to search and apply for as many scholarships as possible. College is not cheap and it is very difficult to take a large course-load and work at the same time; thus, any opportunities or assistance that can be acquired are unbelievably helpful and should be pursued if at all possible.


I would tell myself to stay away from dating and the distractions and really focus on school. The hardest thing about college is time management, so I would encourage myself to get invloved in some other activites in high school to train myself how to better manage my time. Because in college, there is no one keeping you accoutable. If I had gotten involved with more activities in high school, I would have been forced to do both things on my own and maintain a good GPA in order to stay involved in those activities. As a result, the activities would become my own accountability partner, and encourage me also to get involved in college activities.


I would tell myself to not worry. Just do what you do and enjoy it. College is fun and not has hard as you think. Work hard and study when you can, cause when exams come and they are harder than you think. Just go to class and you will learn most of what you need to know. You will be just fine and have fun.


If I could go back to talk to myself, I probably wouldn't. However, if I had to I would tell myself to calm down. College is not as hard as I though it was going to be. I would tell myself to continue to focus on school first and foremost. I would also tell myself to try and make as many friends as possible the first year. Knowing people in your classes is a key to happiness and is also very helpful with studies. I am proud of how I am doing in school and I have learned a lot. I think I have done a grat job getting through the first years of college. I have learned a lot and this is why I would rather see myself work through the years rather than tell myself what to do!


I would say that college is more important than you think. It not only provides an education, it provides a life experience. You get to meet new people, make new friends, and do things you would not be able to do otherwise. And, it's important to start immediately, and not wait or take some time off after high school. Do whatever you can to get into college as soon as possible!


Stay focused and don't let the college life run you. You need to run your life, I've seen too many freshman drop out because they were consumed with too much freedom and not enought self discipline.