Take a tour of the campus and talk to your advisors!
College is a place for socializing and understanding what it takes to make it in life. A place where students and teachers can share opinions and ideas. You have a freedom that you won't get to experience any other time in your life. College is so different from high school that it's almost like going to a foreign country for the first time. It's not a place where you need to go stress yourself out for 4 years just to get a piece of paper that says you graduated. Enjoy the time you spend in college and the friends you make. Take all the experiences and lessons you learn with you throughout life. College is a once in a lifetime experience that can have endless memories.
To students, know what you want and go for it. Don't let anyone make you change your mind for something "practial" if it's your dream. Nobody has the right to steal that from you.
To parents, don't force your child to major in something their heart is not into. They will not be happy with themeselves and probably not do as well as they can. There is money to be made in every profession and if they have the drive and willingness to learn, nothing can stop them from succeeding in any field.
First I would tell them to start looking at colleges the summer of their senior year. Go through & pick 4 to 6 schools that you are looking at and do your research on those schools. So to the web sites and look at the academics, the area that you might be interested in, the finical options, the student services offered & housing. After you have looked at all that the next step is to actually go to the college & take the tours & interact with the students. Even though the college might have all of the other options it doesn?t matter unless you can you yourself there happy & having fun because even though you?re at college to get ahead it is also the best time of your life and if you?re not happy & enjoy your time there then you will be unhappy no matter what.
Allow your college student to grow up and decide their own academic path and schedule their own classes. In addition, encourage them to hold a job while taking classes. It will teach them responsibility and generate multitasking skills which will be more invaluable than an education for the remainder of their life.
Make sure students have a job to keep them busy on the weekends and manage their own money. This will help students also make better frienships.
Find somewhere that fits your personal needs. If you plan to work while you are in school, consider a less traditional setting, but if you are looking for the classic college experience then go for a school with a lot of on-campus housing and other facilities. Living on-campus is a must for those that are looking for an engrossing experience at college. That kind of experience tends to make school the most important thing in your life and keeps you focused. Living on-campus also significantly increases your chances of graduating in four years, which is becoming increasingly difficult.
Living at home while attending college helps students to stay out of large amounts of debt, and a loving home is one of the best atmospheres for students to stay focused and inspired.
Research your choices and visit each one of them. You will be able to get a feel for the campus and possibly meet people that can give you insight into that college.
You should always check out the campus before you apply. What is around the campus (stores and hang outs), what is acutally on campus, and what the living conditions are like are important to finding out where you want to go. I would also suggest going to to look at what other students think of the professors at the school you are looking at because they will have a major effect on how well you do in class and how much effort you're going to need to put forward. Living conditions, (being the dorms or the apartments around the school) are just as important as anything else, because if you are miserable with where you live, it can carry over to your school work and social life. As for making the most of your college experience, the only advice needed is to get involved in things that interest you, it's a great way to get a feel for the campus when you arrive and an easy way to meet people whop share the same interest as you. I would also reccomend seeing an advisor when you start school to make sure you get right on track.