I would tell myself to retake the ACT, that way i would have gotten a better score and maybe gotten into a better school. Be prepared to stay awake all night studying for a test.
The summer before I went to college, I was terrified. I went to a very small high school and hated leaving home, so I didnt have the faith in myself that I should have. I thought my homesickness would overtake me when I got to school and that I wouldnt be able to settle down easily. On the contrary, I felt amazing when I got there. I immediatley connected with people and found a home. If I had known this would occur, I could have spent my summer getting excited instead of being depressed. Once at school, however, I found myself settling in almost too quickly. I closed the doors to other relationships that I wish I could have cultivated. Thus, I would advise incoming college freshman to keep the doors open always. Also, it is important to keep an open mind to new social experiences. Forget about what you said you would "never do" in highschool- now is the time to test your boundaries and figure out who you really are.
I remember thinking that I knew everything that I was and was not going to do in college, I was going to do well in class, work and get into my career as fast as possible. I was not going to join any type of sorority, play soccer or do anything that may take away from classes. I was 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} focused on getting in and getting out. And while I still want to get my degree in just 4 years, I have realized that there is so much more to college than just classes and working. If I could go back in time and tell my high school self anything it would be to not assume you know everything and enjoy the time you have! I would tell myself to say yes to any opportunity you get and don't judge anything until you have tried it! If I would have stuck to what I thought I wanted in high school I wouldn't have made the friends I have and I wouldn't have the experiences and memories that I do, and knowing what I know and all the cool things college offers, I wouldn't change a thing!
Remember that the professors and faculty are all there to help you succeed. The want you to do well. Never be afraid to email a professor with any questions. They're always happy to help as much as possible and they appreciate seeing that you're an interested and involved student who does more than the bare minimum. That and don't be afraid of used textbooks.
Don't stress out about the money and new-ness of it all. It is going to work out, and it is so worth it!
Doing college as a young person right out of high school with no other responsibilities in life is the easiest way to achieve your goals. Appreciate the opportunities that you are given and take advantage of all life has to offer. If you do not, then by the time you realize the merits of what you had and did not take advantage of will be a lot harder to achieve. Now, 20 years after graduating from high school, I am finishing college while working full-time, raising two children and being a wife. Attack college with motivation, enthusiasm, and always put 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} into everything you do. Enjoy everything that college has to offer both academically and socially. If you don't, when you return to college as an older adult, you will not have the time to participate in the social aspects of college nor feel comfortable to participate even if you had the time. Absorb everything your professors and counselors tell you like a sponge. Take all of information, opportunities, and knowledge you gain into the real world to set yourself up for success and happiness.
Step up your study habits. There are going to be a lot of demanding classes that you're gonna have to work hard at. Some of your room mates are going to be awesome, but others well be assholes. You'll make some friends, but not many are going to be long term friends. Mostly they'll just be aquantences, nothing more. You're going to get frustrated, but don't let it get to you. Some classes are going to have you reading so much you won't have time to read on your own (just a heads up). It's life, but you already know life sucks, but you gotta roll with it. You're gonna want to give up at times, but just stick with it, by the time you're my age you're almost done so don't stop dude. You got this.
The best advice I could give myself as a high school senior would be to enjoy my freshman year of college and get as involved as possible. However, keep up with your school work because in college it matters what your grades are and it's better to have a better GPA than the most fun. College is a major cultural shock and takes some adjusting, but for the most part I would just say to enjoy this time because it flies by and as ready as I am to be done with college I will certainly miss the lifelong friends I made and the fun I had while I was here. Soak it all in and have a blast!
Since I have been at East Mississippi Community College, I have grown in my faith with God. Attending this school has made a difference in my life because of the way it has opened my eyes to how many students are on the wrong path. As a result of this, I have decided to dedicate the majority of my life to being a missionary and trying to demonstrate the way to live.
I also play softball at EMCC and it has helped me to grow so much more as an athlete. The coaches truly strive to make a difference in our lives and not just use us to win a few games. There are so many things that this school has taught me that I will take with me to the next stage of my life. It has been a life changing experience in so many more ways than just my education.
East Mississippi Community College has also given me the time to take classes that are required while also giving me the time and space to dig deep and figure out what I really want to do for the rest of my life. I will never forget this place.
Though my college experience has only just begun I have already taken much from it. I currently work a minimum of forty hours a week with a high chance for over time. This means I do not have a lot of spare time for anything, including course work. I have had to learn strict time management and planning so that I am able to fully complete as well as review the work I am doing for my classes. I have to juggle many responsibilities, all of which have to be completed to the best of my abilities. Despite no longer being able to coast through my days I am finding quite a bit of enjoyment in tackling all of the tasks before me. I feel as though I am learning what it is to truly be an adult.