Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Make sure your child is happy at the school because I know students who have dropped out of their colleges because they were unhappy there. Happiness is more important to a person's self being than being unhappy in a school environment. There are many schools to choose from, so make sure it is one where child is happy to attend.


Go on tours, they give you experience and if you can sit in on a college class.


I would tell them to make sure that they really take into consideration the surroundings they want to be in, because at the end of the day that is what makes the most difference. A college is supposed to be your home away from home, and if you don't feel happy where you are going it will make this experience way harder than it should be. Also to take into consideration their major if they have an idea what it will be so that they know if they have a good department for that specific one.


Use you're gut feeling, don't drain the wallet, and be sure to apply yourself.....all while having the time of your life.


Whatever college you chooses to attend, make sure you feel comfortable being there because despite the cost, its not worth it if you feel out of place and miserable. Students do better when they feel welcomed in their college environment , because i know it was a big factor towards my successes so far. The best way to make the most of your college years is to never take anything for granted. Make all the friends you can, get involved with extracurricular activities and most importantly, study because thats the real reason you came to college.


Visit each school you may be interested in. Ask the acctual students who are on campus what they think about the campus, most will be truly honest about what they think and are feeling. Meet professors of the major you are interested in. get a feel of the campus. The most improtant thing is to know why you want to be in college. not nessesarily your major, but if you are doing it for you, that it is a place for you, that you are gaining all you can from it.


Visit the colleges you are interested in several times before deciding on which one is the best. Once you are accepted to the college of your dreams, get involved in lots of campus activities.


Start out good from the start!


I think that the student needs to know what setting is best for them. A big city school is not good if you like the country setting more. Then you need to decide the school based on your major and what the school has to offer. I don't think that financial aid should really play a part because you're going to spend a lot of money either way and you might as well do it where the student will be happy and get the best learning experience. I think the best way to figure this out is to go on college visits, sit in on some classes, and if posssible, get a course booklet that shows you when they meet in order to get an idea of how the course schedules work.


You need to have a positive outlook on your experience and school work. You need to work well with professors because they all teach differently and get help if you need it! It is worth it in the end.