Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


start early and go see the schools... then take advantage of students who are walking down the path at the school and ask them for their input. the students who give the school tours love the school and are getting paid to tell you that.


Get out and meet people, that's the only way you'll truly appreciate the college experience. Don't expect it to be like high school all over again when it comes to classes, you have to work this time around!


If you take a campus tour with a guide, don't listen to what they say because 85{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the stuff they tell you, you probably won't experience anyway.


Honestly, go to classes, do your work first. Work hard, play harder, but remember it's your work that will really get you to where you need to go. Really be concious of time management.


Find a college that has the classes that you want to take, along with classes for whatever your second choice may be.


I would tell students to talk to other students at that school to get a real feel of who attends there and what life is like. Also, take a look around town because that will have a huge influence on how the student will enjoy the school. Also, do not be afraid to ask questions. Every question left unasked could have seriously swayed a student's decision.


Find what major you or your young adult is really interested in, and look in to those universitites and colleges that have great professors and talent in those areas. Make sure the school is rebuilding, because change is good, and growth is great for a better experience in school. it helps you grow, so find a scholl in the environment you love the most, for me, the outdoors, country setting was perfect.


VISIT each college choice interview students who attend and think outside the box. Don't settle for less and definatly don't believe the college recruiter is your friend... he's just do his job.


Just try to find somewhere that you feel like you belong.


In order to choose the right college, you must do a lot of research, and visit the schools.