My classmates are generally smart, but many appear to be very wealthy and some stuckup.
There are strong culture groups. Leigh students are more politically active than most outsiders give them credit for. Most come from wealthy families- although recently Lehigh has worked hard to make their high tuition more affordable to families from varying financial backgrounds.
It's pretty simple- if you are a liberal, free-thinker, do not go to Lehigh, you will not like it. However, if you have money and like to associate with other people who have money and are superficial and self-absorbed, you'll fit in.
The student body is mostly from the East Coast, white, and fairly wealth. BMWs and Mercedes are commonly seen all around campus, as is anything designer. Students are generally divided into Greeks, athletes, and then everyone else. Some Greeks only go out to parties on The Hill, but there is usually a mixture of people at off-campus parties and at the bars. Students party hard but work hard and are driven by the desire to get the big pay checks after graduation. Diversity is an ongoing issue on campus and there seems to be a constant debate on whether or not discrimination occurs, on what level it occurs, and what should be done to be a more diverse campus.
lehigh is a very diverse and open campus, to classes and during the week most students wear jeans or sweatpants and a sweatshirt to classes, a lot of students are from new jersey or other states on the east coast
It goes White......Jewish.........................................................Asian...................................................................Black........Other. If your looking for diversity, look somewhere else. Among white kids you will see a large amount from north Jersey. Everyone there has some money unless the play sports. Many students follow the work hard play hard motto.
Lehigh is a very clicky school. The minorities tend to stick with each other, the athletes stick with each other, and then theres everyone else. I find that a lot of the guys are really "macho" but those are the ones you notice because they are loud and annoying. Lehigh has a very diverse group of people. My freshman hall could not have been more diverse. Different types of students do interact, but it is rare when they stick together. Most students at lehigh are from South eastern Pennsylvania or New Jersey.
Lehigh seems that it is very rich and white on the outside, but nearly half of the student body is getting some sort of financial assistance. There are not many "hippies" and although the school has a full-time LGBT staffed position, there are not many gay kids, or at least you dont know about it. Most are generally preppy and the school is an array of Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, Vineyard Vines, Nautica, and all high end designers. There are probably more Audi's than any other car on campus. But even so, the school isn't too snobby.
In my past three years here at lehigh I have seen a lot of change....they are really trying to have a more racially diverse campus and you can actually notice the change this year. LGBT students are common. The majority of Lehigh students i would say are very similar.... in style and in thought haha im just kidding...but not. I dunno there are definitely your typical frat and sorority kids but once you get past how much they love themselves you can kinda like em. Classic class look is spandex and uggs, not always a flattering fashion but the girls here really seem to enjoy having their shit hang out all over the place...not me...normal people wear jeans.
The different types of people at Lehigh:
greeks and non greeks
engineers and business majors
art majors (im sure there's some out there somewhere...)
there are distinct differences between these groups, although you can belong to more than one. being a non greek i sometimes feel out of the loop, but then I realize how happy I am for not becoming greek. Funny thing is, I often get the comment from sorority girls that I was smart for not joining. hmmm.