Mostly white kids from new jersey and long island and new york city. Then you have your rich kids from australia equador and mexico so lehigh can declare they have this this and that country represented. You have your new englanders. Mostly Mass and Connecticut. I wish there were more Upstate New Yorkers that would check it out.
Most of Lehigh's student body is white, middle-upper class, but there is diversity there in itself because there are so many different backgrounds people are coming from. Race has seemed to be a touchy topic at Lehigh recently, groups not exactly wanting to step out and talk to each other, as people tend to settle where they are comfortable, with what they know.
There is a place for everyone at Lehigh, I feel. There is a place for lesbians and gays, for multicultural affairs, for substance free individuals (no drugs/alcohol etc.), for athletes, for Greek life, for people of all sorts of faiths (Christian, Jewish, Muslim), for musicians, for theater people. Lehigh has a lot to offer in catering to all these needs. If you are looking for a certain group of people to hang out with, chances are you will find them.
I would like though, that there be more intergroup interactions, but its not a problem with Lehigh students, but it's just a problem people have in general stepping out of their comfort zones to meet new people.
Lehigh's student body is primarily rich upper-class white students. Those who are of different race or ethnicity tend to share similar backgrounds as most students come from the New England area.
Most students wear whatever they want to class with the exception of 7:55 AM classes; then they wear what they went to bed in. International students may feel out of place especially with a language barrier. Students who are not white also may feel out of place, but would not be alone.
I have found different types of students interact with one and other, but organizations like UMOJA, the Asian Cultural Society, and Black Student Union further separate the races and ethnicities. People of the same race tend to hang out with themselves exclusively. However, this is not an absolute truth and many students of different race interact.
The wide majority of students are from New Jersey. When in doubt I always guess that a person is from New Jersey. Everyone else is from New York, the New England area, and few are scattered around the rest of the U.S. and the world.
Students are not very political. At the time of the Pennsylvania primaries the campus awakened with less than a week before the voting. Pennsylvania was a pivotal state and I felt that students were too involved with their own work and social lives to bother with politics.
Students often talk about how much they'll earn one day. These students are generally engineers and business students.
Lehigh's student body... most students are from New York, New Jersey or PA. Most students are conservative but there are still active liberals on campus. There is not a large LBGTQA population on campus, but they are still present. Most of my friends that are gay weren't comfortable coming out until their junior or senior year.
All athletic students
rarely are their unique people
Most students come from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, although I have made many friends at Lehigh from around the world. There is always an activity to take part in, and at least on club/organization for everybody.
very waspy campus few minorities, middle to upper middle class, the lgbt's i know are very quite about it
out of place - black, poor, gay
clothes in class - spandex, jeans, polos, college shirts, baseball caps, uggs, flipflops, t-shirts
yes all types of students interact with each other
four tables- each floor of the dorm has a table. People make friends with people on their hall and do stuff with those people, it doesnt matter about sex, race, etc.
most students are from the north east of upper middle class
i dont know much about the school;s political atmosphere
we dont talk about future salaries really
Lehigh has a rep. for being not so racially diverse. It's true, but the administration is working on it.
Alot of people are from NY, PA, NY, CT, MA, but I have friends from California, Kansas, Florida, Idaho, Alaska, etc. People stick around school on weekends, so it's ok to be from far away. I only go home on scheduled breaks.
Lehigh is not politically active, which can be frustrating for a poly sci major, but that doesn't mean they are not interested in what is happening. They will have smart converstations with you, it's pulling people away from their schoolwork and friends to do something in the larger community that is the tough part.
There really is no norm as far as financial stuff goes. There are rich people, there are people who are on full ride, need-based scholarships. There are lots in between. Some are in school to get an education that will get them a job that will make them money. For others, it is the furthest from their mind.
Personally, I don't feel that our campus is politically active. With the primaries, there were some signs of political direction but that was only within about a week of the elections. Students tend to come from wealthier backgrounds but that does in no way imply that everyone does. It is rare to see the more artsy types at Lehigh but that may be because I don't consider myself an artsy type. The school started as an engineering school and is nationally ranked in business. Stereotyping those two mean that the people dress more conservatively during the day. Most days, I tend to roll out of bed, throw some jeans on and head out the door, some days, I just go to class in sweats.
I think that there is tension between all the groups on campus, but there shouldn't be. I think that it is this way because the buildings where all these groups meet are spread all over campus, so there is a mysterious misunderstanding that exists right away, if there aren't already personal relations.