There's a group on campus called "The Movement" and they seem to think everybody at Lehigh is a racist, but they're morons. Lehigh is actually a very diverse place and I find it's very accepting of other cultures. Also, there is a misconception that most Lehigh students come from wealthy's not true. I would guess that the large majority of kids comes from the middle class.
Everyone is upper middle class and white. Just accept it.
I have friends from different areas and different backgrounds.. we always talk about our future plans after graduations and things that we would like to do... i honostly didnt have much experience with the different groups on the campus eventhough i was introduced to all of them when i first came to Lehigh.. But Lehigh has these different groups and different departments to meet the interests of all types of students.
I don't think anyone would feel out of place at Lehigh. We have all types of peole from all different backgrounds, it may just take extra time to find that particular group that you will click with. A good majority of students at Lehigh are white, come from a wealthy background, and tend to rely heavily on their social (drinking) lives. Even so, there are other opportunities for students who are not like this...such as Substance Free housing. Many different types of students interact with one another. I'm sure that financial backgrounds play a role in every students life, but I don't necessarily think it makes a big deal to everyone else. Students are not really politically active, unless you count the campaign for Obama that happened for about a month or two on campus before the primaries.
For me, the amount of students who drink constantly shocked me when I arrived. Now that I've gotten to know more people, it doesn't bother me quite as much. You're obviously going to run into people who you don't like or don't click with everywhere you go, it's just a matter of finding that right group for you....and I belive you can find it at Lehigh if you give it a chance.
Lehigh's students are all very different but there seems to be mostly white, preppy kids at Lehigh. There are definitely all different kinds of group but the typical Lehigh student is the kid who wears JCREW, boat shoes and drives a Audi A4. Everyone at Lehigh seems to get along. Athletes tend to stick together I guess and non-athletes enjoy interacting with the athletes when they get the chance. Most Lehigh Students are from the east coast and especially NY, NJ, and PA.
We're generally a friendly school. There are students from all other the country, though the majority are from Pennsylvania or New Jersey. Most students are from wealthy families because it's a private school, but there's a generous endowment to help the rest of us out. There are way more jokes about what majors than there are about religious/racial/interest groups.
Many lehigh students are from the tri state area and most are upper middle class, but everyone seems to get along. It's not very diverse, but I have no problem with it.
Lehigh is very "tolerance" based and progressive, sometimes too much like canceling the university sponsored bonfire because of the carbon footprint but continuing to run buses every 10 minutes all day.
Want a school rich with flavor? Diversity, not just on the racial level but the philosophical level? I'm sorry to report, that Lehigh would, in fact, not be the right choice for you. There is little political activeness and further less Greek-based involvement with the student body. White, upper-middle class, ignorant, fairly-conservative, drinkers is what you will find on campus. Not a lot more.
I'm telling you, don't come to this school if your looking for a lot of diversity. A lot of the kids are from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Massachusets. I'd say most of the people I know are from middle to upper class families from these states. I'm not saying that the school is segregated in terms of race or whatnot, but there's just not a lot of options in terms of meeting "different" people. Let's just say the girls all wear uggs and its not uncommon to see a BMW being driven around campus.