I would tell students to visit the schools to which they apply and to see if they can see themselves going there. It is all about whether or not you feel comfortable at a certain school. When you are at college you should get involved in clubs and organizations that you have never tried before and try new things.
visit the school first
Students should look for the school that would help them to accomplish their goals, enjoy the studying time, and also get them into a good job right after graduation.
Students have amply oppertunities here but they have to be willing to put the energy foward to find these oppertunities
My biggest advice is to visit every school you may be interested in, but make sure you visit at during the academic year. You will never know if it is the right fit for you until you step foot onto the campus. Visiting an empty campus will not give you an idea of the true atmosphere of the school. And of course, do not apply to a school solely on its social and party reputation. Make sure the schools you are applying to have an academic program that interests you.
When it comes to making the most of your experience, I would say to step outside your comfort zone. Make friends with people you normally would not associate with. Reach out to several different groups (sports teams, greek organizations, clubs, etc.) to meet new people. I run track, so I immediately clung to the track team my first year. Now as a senior, I have found that I did not reach out to very many different people beyond the team. I regret this, and if I could change anything I would have made a point to meet many more different types of people early.
Don't make decisions on a whim. Be proactive applying to schools, and think of what the next four years at each institution would be like. Be realistic. Figure out what you want and then go get it.
The right decision about where to go isn't everything, it's what you make of what you get. Before you select a school there's no way of truly knowing what it's like, and the college is always going to put it's best foot forward for the prospective. The important thing is to work hard, make friends and stay focused on what you want to achieve. For example, I came to an engineering school based solely on their performing arts center and found out that their English program is nowhere near as good as advertised, but I'm getting good grades in all my classes and making good friends and connections that I can use further down the line. The same will apply to the job that I get in the future, so I'm putting those skills to work now. In short, when life hands you lemons, find a friend whose life handed them vodka and have a party.