Knowing what I know now about college life and making transition, I would advise myself to take advantage of every class meeting by being there on time and ready to understand all that is being given. Ultimately, you learn that being able to achieve this goal starts with the preparation and the process of going into each class meeting. Master your every class meeting and you master your education. If you truely commit, the true reward in the end is witnessed through other areas of your life outside of your education life.
I would tell myself that freshman year is a year where mistakes are inevitable. Don't expect to have perfect grades or 8 hours of sleep every night just because that is what you experienced throughout high school. It is going to be a stressful time but just know that everyone is on your side and wants to see you succeed. The most important advice I can give is: Know and use your resources. Teachers, RA's, TA's, coaches, tutors, there are so many people who are willing to help make your experience better and it is up to you to find those resources and take full advantage of their help! There are so many opportunities available to better yourself like tutoring, resume workshops, job fairs, and mock interviews to name a few. Check your schools website often, and keep an eye on bullitens and e-mails that have these announcements.
Take the college admissions process very seriously and put more effort into it than you think you need to. Switching schools is a pain that no one wants to go through, so make sure you get it right the first time by putting time into thinking about where you want to go. Visting colleges before you make your decision is entirely worth the trip, because no matter how good or bad a college seems on a brochure, it can be completely different once you're there and really inside the campus life. Once you really are sure you have a lock on the few schools that are a match for you, tailor your application to those schools to not only show your strengths as a student but also your strengths as an individual; if anything, colleges now want someone unique and more than just a "good student." The more they feel like they know you off your application, the better impression you'll make on them. And, of course, remember to enjoy yourself once you're actually in college- education, while important, should never make you miserable.
Exploring the possibilities of higher education is always a beneficial investment. Taking the time to discover avenues of aid and opportunity will present a tremendously helpful hand when trying to alleviate the stresses of college life once you’ve enrolled. When you find information that you weren’t exactly looking for, this research becomes an extremely resourceful entity that brings you closer to your goals down the road. More often then not, the more I investigated, the more I discovered how to get the financial aid and academic help I needed in order to continue working towards my dreams.
Well, for one thing I am glad that I decided to go away to college; so far it has been a great experience. However, there were many things I wish I knew before leaving for school. Speaking to my High School self, I would tell her to not be so worried about creating a new image for myself. When people go away to school, they want be this amazing person they were not in high school, but it is perfectly fine to be yourself. Also, I would tell her to take her AP tests more seriously because they give you credits you will need to matriculate through school. I wouild tell her try not to rush into or be gullible there, friends will come and go just like high school, but to remember you are there for an education, firstly. Trying to make new friends is a given, but it is your childhood friends and family who will always be there. Respect and dont take your parents for granted because they will be paying for your education and only want you to succeed. I would tell her to be patient and be open to everyting college life brings.
If I could go back I would tell myself to be open to change. I always look back to my first semester and think of how I wasted it too busy being the same person I was in high school. The great thing about college is the fact that it changes you. I moved to the other side of the country and thought it was going to be the exact same, and when it wasn't I hid out in my room studying and not making friends. College is really what you make of it and you cant spend your whole time stuck in your ways. I think I've change my major about two times officially and about a dozen in my head. Its opened up great opertunities that I would have never choosen back in high school. My strongest words of advice would be to try everything, odds are your going to like some new things.
Knowing what I know now about the transition from high school into college, I would advise myself not to worry too much about making friends and taking new classes. One of the biggest things I have realized is that, as a freshman, everyone is in the same boat as me and we are all new to college. Everyone wants to make friends and fit in, so there will rarely be a time when a person doesn’t want to talk to you because they want to find new friends too. Another point I have noticed is that, in my particular case, the college classes I am taking are not extremely more difficult compared to my classes in high school, as I thought they would be. Instead the classes have a little more work and require a little more time and effort outside of class on my own, but are completely able to handle as a freshman. I would therefore tell myself not too worry as much about the difficulties in the transition and instead just be very excited to start this new chapter in my life.
If I could go back in time, there is one piece of advice that I would like to give myself. I would tell myself not to focus so strongly on "what I want to do with the rest of my life". It is important to try out a variety of classes in order to see what you like. Sometimes, students at Lehigh feel pressured to join the Business or Engineering schools just so they can get a job after college. However, they end up finding that this might not be the right profession for them years after they graduate from college. The most important thing about academics in college is to find what you enjoy. As long as you find a degree in the field you enjoy and you have the drive to find experiences in this field along the way, there is no need to worry about what your future plans may be. Students spend so much time stressing about finding "the right job" or a job that will pay them a lot of money. They waste the precious years of college worrying about the future instead of enjoying the present, which is much more important.
It's August of 2002 and I am getting ready to start my senior year of high school. Presently, I've been granted the opportunity to go back in time and give myself some advice for successfully preparing for college. The most important advice I can give is about perseverance.
Perseverance is defined as "steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement". To be successful in all endeavors in life, whether they be for school, work, or encounters with others, perseverance is what helps you push through. Don't ever give up on your dreams, goals, or ambitions. When you strive for the best, even if it seems all odds are against you, perseverance will get you to where you want to be. (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/perseverance, 2011)
I could tell you to study harder, to take advanced classes, to take your senior year the most serious, or to start applying to colleges now, but in order to complete any of the prior mentioned, perseverance will not only help you accomplish those things, but will see you through anything throughout the rest of your life.
Dear Sabrina,
Take the opportunity you were given to attend the community college free! If not, in your future I see many struggles with finances. I see physical abuse. I see mental abuse. I see loneliness. I see confusion. I see turmoil within yourself. After 10 years of trying to figure out how to "escape", you will. But you will realize you need more education. Because looks alone are not going to carry you through the rest of your life. You need knowledge! You need to understand Math. You need to know how to keep a checkbook and avoid unnessasary overdraft fees. You need to be able to shine in that interview then pass the test to actually get the job! There will come a wonderful day when your world is more beautiful because you have survived but you will still long for the pride of a college education. And yet again, finances are limited, and you must work to survive. So go to college, avoid some unnecessary pain. LEARN. So you will feel like standing tall! Even though you were not taught college is important. It is! Go Forth! Conquer! Learn and Earn!
Love Always, Sabrina