I love my school a lot. I've learned so much about my major and about other people. English classes have always been difficult for me as essay writing has never been my strong point, but my essay writing skills have improved a lot this semester and my abilitiy to communicate with others has greatly increased. My English instructor, David Gagon, really helped me hone my writing skills. Next semester I'll be taking a communications class. I can't wait to see how much that helps!
My college experience has provided me much more that just learning opprotunities. I am currently working on my second degree (Associates in American Sign Language) which will allow me to get a job interpreting to help put me through graduate school to receive my Masters in Biology (I have a B.S. in Zoology). The different types of schooling (from private high school to a Big Ten University to a community college) have really taught me how to learn at school, get everything I can out of it, still have friends and time to relax, and be able to hold down a job. Now, not only am I attending school to futher my education, I am also in the Army National Guard, which has training and schooling of it's own. While on a completely different level than public, civilian schools, the military still teaches me to be everything that I can be. If I can dream it, it will happen, as long as I do not give myself excuses and work hard.
Through my classes and trying to pay for college I've come to know that no one hands you success on a silver platter, and you have to work hard to succeed. This has been an extremely valuable lesson because I now know what it takes to make it in this world, and I now know you cannot slack off and expect people to be nice, as there are plenty of people out there who can and will do the work. I've also learned the opinions and values of people from all over the world, which will be extremely valuable throughout my remaining years in college and in life.
I have recieved some great knowledge in the automotive industry from going to college. They are showing me improve my skills on how to properly diagnose and repair diesel engines. They are also improving my knowledge on how to properly write a resume to find that better career oppurtunity. It is a great responsibility and feeling to know that your future is in your own hands. I actually control how well I do by how much effort I put into my studies. You do not have to be smart, just committed to doing your best.
college has done a lot for me particularly given me a lot of confidence i needed to try new things and help me succeed in life. i also found out that despite my fears i have a natural talent at math and teaching. i was just complememted yesterdayonthe questions i ask in regards to the way math works and my insight to how numbers work. i have more confidence in math now that i have gone back to school then i have had in most other activites i partake in. not to mention the expansions i have made in areas i just enjoy such as psychology and sociology. going back to school has been the best move i think i have made and was a positive step towards self discovery. either way i go on....
A throbbing pain moves through my left should as I furiously click the mouse. I shift my body to the left, trying to relieve the pressure. Glancing at the clock, I notice it reads 10 pm. I blink my eyes and look again. "There is no way it's already so late," I thought. After sitting in front of the computer for three hours, I had completely lost track of time.Still, I wasn’t surprised. Ever since I declared my major as Design several weeks before, I was more motivated than ever to master Photoshop. As a first semester freshmen in a Design class for upperclassmen, I was determined to prove I belonged there.This is an experience only college could offer. While I took art classes in high school and at college-level programs before, this was different. Being surrounded by people in the studio who, like me, were dedicating four years of their life to their passion is something that cannot be replicated. College is about more than education. It’s about engulfing yourself in your studies; making your life not just about the grade, but about the experiences, the accomplishments, and learning about something you love.
As an international student attending in an American college, I must face more difficulties and challenges than most American students. Language, environment, friends, family, schoolwork etc, all these are becoming inseparable parts of my life. These are also the most valuable and unforgettable experiences in my whole life. I came to the United States alone to pursue higher education, to involve this society and world, and to challenge myself. I have to get used to English environment, I have to make new friends with people with different backgrounds, different native languages, different races, and different religions. To be honest, it is very hard for international students, especially from Asian countries, like China where I come from, Japan and Korea, to totally involve into the American college students society. I do have several good American friends, but I still can feel the distance between us. I have to do all the homework in English now, which is a huge task for me during the first several weeks. I am the only child of my family, so sometimes I really miss my parents who miss me at the same time. All these create my the rhapsody of my college life.
College has been the defining experience of my life so far. I grew up in small town East Stroudsburg PA. The town's location an hour from New York City and less than half an hour from northern New Jersey lead to a sharp rise in population during the early part of this decade. Most of my childhood through high school years were marked by isolation, and generally not knowing who I was. Trying out for sports teams and enjoying extracurriculars was difficult because my family didn’t have a car. Entering college I still had no idea who I was or what I enjoyed. I had immense growing pains as I went from involvement in Lehigh's Black Student Union to membership and recently Vice President of Philanthropy in my sorority. Striking out on my own to find my true identity is the story of my college experience. Learning and growing into myself has been more valuable than any class offered at Lehigh. I am ready to take on anything that life after college has to throw at me because I know who I am and what I want out of life. Nothing could be more important than that.
Coming into college, my goal was soley to graduate and get a good job. After my first semester, I quickly realized how much more my school had to offer. From academics to social life, I felt like every person on my campus was encouraging me to succeed. Every professor and student has a constant smile on his or her face and you can tell that they are genuinely happy to be at Lehigh. I prospered more in that first semester than I did my entire life up to that point. The lessons I learned are priceless and will be cherished the rest of my life. I look forward to coming back years later and just watching the awe on peoples' faces as they walk through our campus. It truely is an unbelievable place.
Life is short. While you've heard this time and time again, it is more true than you realize so stop being shy, stop worrying about what others think and just be you! You have good qualities and people will see this. If you think otherwise, you'll hold yourself back and not experience everything that college has to offer. Even though college is about classes and learning, remember that part of it is also about making friends and becoming independent. College friendships are bonds that will last a lifetime. Be who you want to become. Your slate from high school has been wiped clean, no stereotypes or bad nicknames will follow you so be the person you really are or the one that you want to become, not the person you were. Challenge yourself. Don?t just coast through college getting by be pro-active, join clubs, meet people, try new things and even take hard classes. All of these things will increase your overall quality of life and make you a better person in the long run.