Lock Haven University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lock Haven University know before they start?


College is definetely a new experience. You have to study more, prepare more independently, and be your own person. Often classes are too big for you to always get individual help from your professors. That being said, do not stress out too much. As long as you keep your GPA up, and are successful your senior year, you will do fine. Just be sure not to slack off, that will hurt you more than help you because your grades will suffer and you will become discouraged. Put your all into your senior year (academically and socially), enjoy being a kid (once you get to college you need to start acting like an adult), and do not be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and meet some new people(these may be the people who you spend your freshman year of college with).


I have just finished my first semester at Lock Haven University and feel that I have taken full advantage of all I am able to at the school. Thus far, my GPA is a 4.0. I have strived to the best of my ability. Also, I took advantage of community service projects that benefit citizens around the Lock Haven area. For example, I participated in a program called "Adopt a Family," where students are able to deliver gifts to less fortunate people in the community. I also took advantage of clubs and organizations by joining the student newspaper, the Eagle Eye, where I was a sports photographer. In my short experience in college, it has been valuable because I have took the opportunity to learn not only about my classes, but about myself and others. I have learned true diversity and love it. It has taught me that there is much more to learn about life than what can be found in a textbook.


The most valuable piece of my education thus far is the vast opportunities available to me. The university is smaller in size thus grants its students the ability to be personal with their professors, instructors and as a campus community. There are a variety of different options for completing credits through the institution; students can study abroad in over twenty countries or even during their breaks to earn credit. Also, various organizations and offices on campus provide external experiences through volunteer services, externships, internships, campus jobs etc. I have lots of opportunity, power and choice to make the most out of my college education and to graduate with more than a degree. I enjoy the smaller campus size for just that because opportunities and experiences are easier to come by and indulge in minus the bigger institution competition.


I am currently attending Chaffey College. I expect to transfer to a four year college in 2011. Because of family reasons I have struggled to get back to school and as a result I greatly appreciate the opportunity for an education. College has opened my mind to new concepts, ideas, cultures, theories, and people; all of these new opportunities have enriched my life immeasurably. I have found passion and delight for subjects I once thought frightening. College is not to be missed or mistreated. I have a 3.94 grade point average because I put effort into each class. This past year I had cancer, even battling disease I would not quite college. I believe the degree of effort one puts into class is the degree of return one receives from class. This effort has changed my life and I am certainly the better for it. I have has so many truly wonderful professors that I intend to go into teaching when I graduate. I enjoy my time in class, working early in the morning on homework, and studying new subjects. I am more aware, civically minded, enriched, educated, and grateful because I have had the privilege of attending college.


Lock Haven University has taken me from an easy high school career to a very challenging curriculum in college. I never stepped into my high school library all four years I attended. I didn't need to. I graduated in the top ten percent of my graduating class with little effort. I received a wake up call upon attending college. The best advice my advisor gave to me was that the first semester sets precedence for the rest of my college career. My dad's best advice is that cream rises to the top. So I set to the task of incorporating both of their comments into my diverse college experience. I am now no stranger to the library. I am being challenged every day and love the materials being presented to me. I have a career focus in which I have set high goals for myself. Half way into my sophmore year I am proud to say I have earned myself a 3.86 GPA. My college experience continues to progress as I get further to my goal of becoming a physcian's assistant.


I gained knowledge, experience, and companionship. I learned the true meaning of friendship. I gained knowledge that helped prepare me to work in both the psychiatric, but also neurological fields. I gained experience as a leader, mentor, and office worked. All of which have come in handy in searching for jobs. Finally I made friends that I expect to keep for a lifetime.


Since coming to this school, I have made many friends of so many different nationalities and it really has opened my mind to the real world! We're not the only important country and nation on the planet, and by talking to my Finnish, Korean, and German friends I see that. Sometimes as Americans all we care about are ourselves and the outcome only if it is good for us. By meeting these friends from other countries, I feel my eyes have been opened to the possibilites of what my life could hold. It has been invaluable to me!


Lock Haven University afforded that valuable hands on experience that most colleged offering similar degrees do not. As opposed to entering the real world setting being affraid to make a mistake due to being on your own, those mistakes were typically made before graduation and thereby already knowing what to do. The professors at the university were able to provide a most realistic setting in which to practice our skills, both on the field and in the laboratory. The value of a cadaver lab allowed me to see where specific parts are as opposed to guessing. The education I received far surpassed what could only be imagined.


My college experience was long, confusing, and rewarding. Being the first in my family to go to college was exciting and my parents were very proud of me. But there were a few problems. Since I was the first to attend college, there was no one to teach me about college. Another problem I had was that I was an illegal alien when I graduated from high school. I didn't know if I could even attend college. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to have a friend who took me down to the local community college to enroll. From then on, I had to wing it. I had no support from the school, I worked a full-time job, attended school full time, took unnessary classes, and ended up over-working my self and burning out. But I didn't care. I loved the commitment to school and the feeling of independence and knowing that I was succeeding on sher will and man-power. The worked paid off, and I was the first to in my family to receive an AA (with 88+ units!) and I'm willing to do all over again for a BS in psychology and beyond!


I actually am going back to college after taking two years off. The first time around, I didn't take it seriously. When I started missing class all the time, my grades started slipping and I just decided to give up. After I was out of school, I realized that I made a mistake and needed to go back. The only problem was that my parents refused to help me because of my previous college experience. So, I finally saved up enough money to go back this semester. When I was out of school, I felt depressed all the time because I knew I could have graduated, I was just too lazy to do it. Now I am a little bit older and I realize that school isn't a joke or a burden. It is something that you choose to do in order to better yourself and to prepare you for what you want to do for the rest of your life. I guess before, I thought that I could just sit around and good things would come to me. I needed to grow up and understand that rewards come from hard work.